圖書標籤: 英語 小說 偵探 michaelconnelly 美國 推理 小說與文學 audible
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評分這是讀的第10本Harry Bosch係列,雖然我既不瞭解海灣戰爭也不清楚國民護衛隊,但顯然Connelly對節奏的把握已臻化境,讓讀者的心忽上忽下、欲罷不能。驚喜地是作者能更加遊刃有餘地穿插Bosch和青春期女兒、希望再續前緣的前女友、音樂發燒友同事之間普通而溫情的日常互動,看似閑筆卻讓故事更加真實可信、人物塑造更加立體飽滿。但不得不說Connelly的長處還是在於真實如紀錄片一般的故事情節——這至少部分得益於每本書後麵一長串警員谘詢的名單——和相當高超的懸念設置,至於人物塑造,尤其是女性人物,則稍嫌浮於錶麵,差強人意。
評分1.19-22 42059| new boss and new name for IAD same old against the system and fuck the 10th floor never cared for Cariou and this supposedly bad narrator is so much better spoiler journalist got raped by soldiers in gulf war got killed by rapists' friend in LA riot when seeking information about the rape
評分1.19-22 42059| new boss and new name for IAD same old against the system and fuck the 10th floor never cared for Cariou and this supposedly bad narrator is so much better spoiler journalist got raped by soldiers in gulf war got killed by rapists' friend in LA riot when seeking information about the rape
The Black Box pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024