圖書標籤: Marxism 政治 馬剋思 英文原版 恩格斯 德國 verso Verso
The Communist Manifesto pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A modern edition on the 150th anniversary of the Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto, drafted on the eve of the 1848 revolutions, is the most brilliant and incisive political text ever written; a work of great literary power as well as historical insight. Eric Hobsbawm, whose writing has brilliantly described the century and a half of history that has been both shaped and illuminated by the Manifesto, presents it here. As the "age of extremes" draws to an end and capitalism seems everywhere to be triumphant, as it did one hundred and fifty years ago, Eric Hobsbawm critically appraises a work which, he argues, is now more timely than ever. Hobsbawm notes the curious fact that the Manifesto remained a subterranean text for many decades and did not circulate on a mass scale, or achieve a canonical status, until comparatively recently. He argues that only the complete unfolding of capitalism on a global scale in recent times allows us to take the full measure of Marx and Engels's truly astounding mixture of passion, science and poetry.
卡爾·馬剋思,全名卡爾·海因裏希·馬剋思(德語:Karl Heinrich Marx,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),馬剋思主義的創始人之一,第一國際的組織者和領導者,馬剋思主義政黨的締造者,全世界無産階級和勞動人民的革命導師,無産階級的精神領袖,國際共産主義運動的開創者。
弗裏德裏希·恩格斯(Friedrich Engels,1820年11月28日-1895年8月5日),德國思想傢、哲學傢、革命傢、教育傢,軍事理論傢,全世界無産階級和勞動人民的偉大導師,馬剋思主義創始人之一。恩格斯是卡爾·馬剋思的摯友,被譽為“第二提琴手”,他為馬剋思從事學術研究提供大量經濟支持。馬剋思逝世後,將馬剋思遺留下的大量手稿、遺著整理齣版,並眾望所歸地成為國際工人運動的領袖。
評分這版的序很好。 另:天朝通用的版本是不是就是陳望道的譯本?
評分A history of class struggles--such a line in human thought. Capital changes the way of production, consumption, and most importantly, human relationship. Humans became objectified and were thrown into the decadent world that the sole concern is capital. As a manifesto, it's passionate and exhibits the youth and energy of young Max and Engels.
評分 評分1.“至今一切社会的历史都是阶级斗争的历史。”(《共产党宣言》单行本,人民出版社,1997年8月第3版,27页) 将阶级斗争视为人类历史的主轴,与其说是全面考查多种因素后的结论,不如说是分析历史的预定框架。因为,当你相信存在着阶级时,你总能从历史中“发现”各种“阶级”...
評分每个序言所强调的: 1872德文版序言:这里面的原理随时随地都要以当时的历史条件为转移。这份纲领在二月革命以及巴黎公社之后显得有点过时了,公社运动证明了工人阶级不能简单地掌握现成的国家机器。 1882俄文版序言:欧洲的君主和资产阶级把沙俄干涉作为对付刚刚觉醒的无产...
評分1 整篇文章透露出一种一种自我的现代主义式的历史感,非常强烈,如同福柯在描绘康德《何为启蒙》 中所说的那种对自己现在(present)的反思。将现在表述为属于这个世界的一个特定时代。它通过 某些内在的特性区别于其它时代,或者通过某些悲剧性事件与其他时代相分离。可以通过...
The Communist Manifesto pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025