图书标签: algorithm DataStructures 数据结构 计算机科学 计算机 算法 cs CS
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd Edition) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In this second edition of his successful book, experienced teacher and author Mark Allen Weiss continues to refine and enhance his innovative approach to algorithms and data structures. Written for the advanced data structures course, this text highlights theoretical topics like abstract data types and the efficiency of algorithms, as well as performance and running time. This edition also includes a new chapter on advanced data structures and material on the Standard Template Library that conforms to the new standard. In addition, all code has been updated and tested on multiple platforms and conforms to the ANSI ISO Final Draft standard. Before covering algorithms and data structures, the author provides a brief introduction to C++ for programmers unfamiliar with the language. All of the source code will be available over the Internet. Dr. Weiss also distinguishes the book with his clear, friendly writing style, logical organization of topics, and extensive use of figures and examples that show the successive stages of an algorithm.
Mark Allen Weiss,1987年在普林斯顿大学获得计算机科学博士学位,师从Robert Sedgewick (师从Knuth),现任美国佛罗里达国际大学计算与信息科学学院教授。他曾经担任全美AP(Advanced Placement)考试计算机学科委员会的主席(2000-2004)。他的主要研究方向是数据结构、算法和教育学。
8.28------- 其实CLRS的书在论证方面也不能算太好,例如霍夫曼编码,缺点说明见此文:http://mindhacks.cn/2011/07/10/the-importance-of-knowing-why-part3/ 但是,仍旧比Weiss的走脑。现在觉得,如果是以求甚解的心态去学算法,书本真的不能选薄的。。。因为这种书只能用来当...
评分这本书真是非常好!个人感觉很适合给初学者入门看,里面的分析数学公式恰到好处,没有算法导论的令人望而生畏,也没有国内图书的草草了事,既学习了数据结构又有刚刚好的算法分析,很容易使人产生共鸣。 给我印象深刻的就是快速排序那一段,真是精彩!
评分这段时间又继续深入的学习了下,觉得主要收获有两个: 收获一:真正的理解了折半查找和插入查找,以前买过一本105元的书,可看了很久,就是不知道作者讲的什么,但是这本书不同,这本书的作者用形象的文字和图片的说明让人的理解入木三分。我自已也动手写了一个demo的查找:查...
评分英文原版 3.4.2节: Since there are a few options for implementation, it is probably worth a comment or two in the code, if you don't use the size field. 该书的中文翻译是: 由于实现的方法有多种选择,因此如果你不使用表示大小的域,那就很有可能有必要进行一些讨...
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd Edition) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025