圖書標籤: 曆史 中國 劍橋中國史 中國曆史 英文 劍橋中國史 中國史 The.Cambridge.History.of.China
The Cambridge History of China pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This is the first of two volumes in this major Cambridge history dealing with the decline of the Ch'ing empire. It opens with a survey of the Ch'ing empire in China and Inner Asia at its height, in about 1800. Modern China's history begins with the processes recorded here of economic growth, social change and the deterioration of central government within China. Contributors to this volume study the complex interplay of foreign invasion, domestic rebellion and Ch'ing decline and restoration. Special reference is made to the Peking administration, the Canton trade and the early treaty system, the Taiping, Nien and other rebellions, and the dynasty's survival in uneasy cooperation with the British, Russian, French, American and other invaders. Each chapter is written by a specialist from the international community of sinological scholars. Many of the accounts break new ground; all are based on fresh research. This volume has been designed both to be consulted as a work of reference and to be read continuously. No knowledge of Chinese is necessary; for readers with Chinese, proper names and terms are identified with their characters in the glossary, and full references to Chinese, Japanese and other works are given in the bibliographies. Numerous maps illustrate the text, and there are a bibliographical essays describing the source materials on which each author's account is based.
評分I actually know nothing about China.
評分I actually know nothing about China.
中国第一次大一统王朝发端于秦汉,中国的行政组织架构、官僚体系建立和思想文化发展~一切都起源于这个时代。 一个民族要知道自己从哪里来,才会预见到未来大概率会到哪里去。读好的历史文献书籍确实能拓宽自己眼光的长度,对当下会更客观理性的看待。 这本书对历史知识薄弱的...
評分秦皇汉武,这是多么让中国人自豪的名称。多么代中国人或称颂或指责。可是又有几人质疑过,秦始皇真是这么残暴吗?汉武帝国果真如此英明吗? 读毕此书,上述的疑问稍加解决。试举一例,秦国统一六国之战,史书杀人无数,如白起长平坑杀四十万人最为有名。可真有这么多人吗?当时...
評分剑桥中国秦汉史 1、由于各章的作者不一样,写作风格还是有点差异的 2、源于史籍,又不局限与史籍。摒弃史籍中夸张,猜想,诽谤等春秋笔法的内容 3、可怜汉唐盛世,外戚,宦官,潘镇,唉。。。 4、所谓的汉唐盛世,其实是汉民族的对外扩张史。 5、书里说的好,史籍都是着眼于政...
評分磨磨蹭蹭这周才读完,纯粹抱着去梳理秦汉历史大纲的想法去看的,但是感觉有些地方讲的不太明白,和匈奴的关系,征服西南夷等等有点语焉不详,对考古材料和出土文献的借鉴也不到位,但是至少还是让我草草了解了秦汉历史的脉络,同时也有不少灵感。 1.对于黄河泛滥问题在考古材料...
The Cambridge History of China pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025