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The Perks of Being a Wallflower pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
评分It’s not too late to read this in late 20s.
评分We are all infinite. For all the books, music and films that the author mentioned in this book, they do make sense. There exists certain line between these works of art and the story, which tells us about how a boy adapts to his high school life, how to escape from the edge being a 'wallflower' and get involved in. Love the sign of "tunnel", BTW.
文/彤彤 yingtong0109 Charlie is a boy while I am a girl. I still feel that everything that makes he feel confused and upset has also affected me. It is not to say that I saw couple who was having sex in front of me nor I had a crush on somebody nor I was ...
评分我很喜欢这本书,但是你若问我为什么喜欢,我想首先我大概只能说这是一种感觉。一个敏感善良的孩子在青春里摸索成长的感觉。 我喜欢Charlie的细腻敏感、善良友爱甚至是他在同龄人里的那么一点“怪异”;我喜欢Charlie的朋友家人,Sam,Patrick,Bill and so forth;我...
评分注:此篇书评将涉及少量电影版的讨论,情节及原文引用将标注出自原著或电影,相同情节将不予标注,以原著为主。 “有人到了17岁就忘记了自己16岁的模样。”(There are people who forget what it's like to be 16 when they turn 17.) 这是在电影版中新加入而原著中没有的...
评分我不想把自己和Charlie作比较。十六岁的我,比Charlie无知胆小得多。现在年岁比Charlie多出一半来,或许勉勉强强可以赶上他了。 文中有提到Charlie的passive aggressive,不幸的是,我也很作。与天作,与地作,与人作,与己作,其乐无穷。 我作走过几个男人女人。 从前有个...
The Perks of Being a Wallflower pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025