图书标签: 美国文学 英文原版 海明威 ErnestHemingway 小说 Ernest_Hemingway Hemingway 美国
For Whom the Bell Tolls pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
High in the pine forests of the Spanish Sierra, a guerrilla band prepares to blow up a vital bridge. Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer, ahs been sent to handle the dynamiting. There, in the mountains, he finds the dangers and the intense comradeship of war. And there he discovers Maria, a young woman who has escaped from Franco's rebels. (20031208)
There are certain books which are almost painful to read, but extraordinary to think about. This novel is one of them.
评分Yet one has a feeling within one that blinds a man while he loves you. You, with that feeling, blind him, and blind yourself.
评分a bold and exact portrait of valor, love, sex, weakness, coldblood, war, and human psychology. Equally heartrending and poignant both on front and behind the line of fire. For whom the bell tolls? For what we lived for? The metaphysical solution offered by John Donne came up with an one and holy answer: in unison we bond together.
评分helps to understand spanish civil war
评分There are certain books which are almost painful to read, but extraordinary to think about. This novel is one of them.
他的风格是我这辈子见过最空前绝后的 凛冽 极度悲观 干练 潇洒 就像他的硬汉精神和最后的毁灭 他不属于任何时代 伫立在时间的侧面。
评分天哪,自己二十几岁读过爱过的书居然多数是盗版!可怜我买书并没少花一分钱,那时候,不知道有盗版这回事。可见高等教育教出了多少傻子。 最初迷上海明威的原因很简单,读他的原版书,不用上气不接下气地翻辞典查生词,我是个超懒的学生,旷课时间远远超过上课时间,上课时看...
评分读完此书已近一个月,一直懒惰没有动笔,但心里一直想着,要为海明威写一篇读书笔记。 起初,大约还在读《永别了,武器》前半段的时候,有一次跟H谈起,说我不喜欢海明威,当时觉得他写的东西太单调,有点干巴巴,全是景物细节描写,看不到人物的内心,有种出奇的冷静。说实话...
评分 评分2008年春天,看了一篇海明威的短篇《三声枪响》,那枪声至今还回荡脑际。。。零零碎碎,无数个失眠的夜晚,拿起中文的《丧钟为谁而鸣》随手翻阅,跟随西班牙战争,一天天行走在战场中;在武汉返京的火车上,在回京后心情阴郁、沮丧的日子里,把《THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA》(英...
For Whom the Bell Tolls pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025