图书标签: 哲学 Søren_Kierkegaard 存在主义 克尔凯郭尔 Philosophy 丹麦 Alastair_Hannay 精神病患者日记。。。
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In Either/Or, using the voices of two characters - the aesthetic young man of part one, called simply 'A', and the ethical Judge Vilhelm of the second section - Kierkegaard reflects upon the search for a meaningful existence, contemplating subjects as diverse as Mozart, drama, boredom, and, in the famous Seducer's Diary, the cynical seduction and ultimate rejection of a young, beautiful woman. A masterpiece of duality, Either/Or is a brilliant exploration of the conflict between the aesthetic and the ethical - both meditating ironically and seductively upon Epicurean pleasures, and eloquently expounding the noble virtues of a morally upstanding life.
Kierkegaard (1813-55) was born in Copenhagen, the youngest of seven children. His childhood was unhappy, clouded by the religious fervour of his father, and the death of his mother, his sisters and two brothers. Educated at the School of Civic Virtue, he went on study theology, liberal arts and science at university, gaining a reputation for his academic brilliance and extravagant social life. He began to criticize Christianity, and in 1841 broke off his engagement to concentrate on his writing. Over the next ten years he produced a flood of works, in particular twelve major philosophical essays, many written under noms de plume. By the end of his life he had become an object of public ridicule, but he is now enjoying increasing acclaim.
Alastair Hannay was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, the University of Edinburgh and University College London. In 1961 he became a resident of Norway and is now Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oslo.
Morality transcend ...
评分aesthetics 到 ethics 再到 religious,克尔恺郭尔成功让我这学期过得苦不堪言。。
你或者是这么做,或者不这么做,你都会后悔!或此或彼 这是基尔克果在本书中用到的最基本的一个句式。昏昏沉沉地读了好几天,伴随我度过了单调的端午。书的核心章在“人格发展中的美学与伦理学的平衡”,也是读到这里,才弄明白作者绕了那么大的一个圈子用意何在! 此书的写法...
评分这本书里祁克果主要探讨了浪漫主义所带来的道德隐患,以及所之对应的道德人生。 首先描绘了审美的人生:渴望从情欲和艺术作品中追求最大限度的快乐,而且对他人和道义都不负责。然而审美的人生的快乐和自由只能使人感到片刻的满足,但欲望得到满足后厌烦和空虚会随之而来,而且...
评分维特根斯坦说,哲学是把最隐晦的灵魂和最明晰的逻辑连在一起的努力。——思想家和制图员非常相似,表现事物间的各种相互联系。 人生问题,的解答在于这个问题的消除。 没有人能够诚实地说出他自己是个废物。不要玩弄深藏于人心底的痛。 为近视者指引道路是很费力的。 力求被人...
评分据说这是位应该跟尼采齐名的哲学家.看过他的书之后,我确定他更适合我. 怎么说呢.从克尔凯郭尔字里行间渗透出来的神秘主义便注定了我们之间的缘分.他的写作方式本身就是带有哲学意味的,人生无真相. 他经常掩盖自己的真实身份写作,甚至在他自己的文章中说,要是明白他在写什么.便...
Either/Or pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025