图书标签: 哲学 Nietzsche 艺术 文学理论 尼采 美学 文艺理论 Philosophy
The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Birth of Tragedy is one of the seminal philosophical works of the modern period. The theories developed in this relatively short text have had a profound influence on the philosophy, literature, music and politics of the twentieth century. This edition presents a new translation by Ronald Speirs and an introduction by Raymond Geuss that sets the work in its historical and philosophical context. The volume also includes two essays on related topics that Nietzsche wrote during the same period.
只看致瓦格纳的前言就被震慑住了 尽管是英文译本 但是仍能领略尼采惊人的才华 不自觉的想把整本书背下来 "Let these serious-minded people take note: my conviction that art is the highest task and the true metaphysical activity of this life is based on an understanding which I share with the man and fighter whose sublime lead I follow and to whom I now wish to dedicate this work."
评分lovin' this unprecedented genius & maniac~~
评分fanatic of Wagner opera; a totally renewed perception on "Will" (pre-individuation - resentment is the motive for free will; anti-sentimism) an incredity rich lecture given by an Austrian professor
评分like his analysis of the Apollonian and Dionysian duality
尼采其实对于音乐,艺术,喜剧,悲剧,存在,灵感,并没有想得很清晰——我想是因为他不是以一个科学家的方式去考虑这些问题的,而是在一个打了鸡血的艺术家附体的时候写出来的。 他只是很激动。 他会说:在今日的世界,酒神精神方在逐渐苏醒,我们心中将恢复热烈的希望……从...
评分戴面具的狄奥尼索斯——尼采的悲剧观观察 如果我们透过尼采拗口难懂的阐述,而且观察到他大费周章地讨论多种审美艺术形式,那么我们就能懂得他为何要耗费如此多的笔墨于酒神和日神的表述上。希腊文明是欧洲文化的起点,可近代统领整个欧洲的基督教,却几乎建立在反希腊价值的...
评分这是在读书过程中的一点想法, 写出来主要是想能跟大家一起探讨,得到更大的进步。 《悲剧的诞生》笔记 V1.0 好吧,我觉得用很大精力来读这本书将会是有相当意义的事情。 实际上,高中时曾经通读过全文,可惜现在搜索记忆除了简单的理解了两...
评分作者:李钰辉,陆钓雪 酒神精神和日神精神是《悲剧的诞生》中的两个主要部分,同时也是悲剧诞生的原因。可是虽说悲剧的诞生由日神精神和酒神精神的交融下形成的,但是两者发生的作用和所处的地位不同。酒神精神作为悲剧之“悲”是悲剧的内核,日神精神是悲剧诞生...
The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025