圖書標籤: Prep 美國 英文原版 小說 美國高中校園 外國文學 英文 Sittenfeld
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Curtis Sittenfeld’s debut novel, Prep, is an insightful, achingly funny coming-of-age story as well as a brilliant dissection of class, race, and gender in a hothouse of adolescent angst and ambition.
Lee Fiora is an intelligent, observant fourteen-year-old when her father drops her off in front of her dorm at the prestigious Ault School in Massachusetts. She leaves her animated, affectionate family in South Bend, Indiana, at least in part because of the boarding school’s glossy brochure, in which boys in sweaters chat in front of old brick buildings, girls in kilts hold lacrosse sticks on pristinely mown athletic fields, and everyone sings hymns in chapel.
As Lee soon learns, Ault is a cloistered world of jaded, attractive teenagers who spend summers on Nantucket and speak in their own clever shorthand. Both intimidated and fascinated by her classmates, Lee becomes a shrewd observer of–and, ultimately, a participant in–their rituals and mores. As a scholarship student, she constantly feels like an outsider and is both drawn to and repelled by other loners. By the time she’s a senior, Lee has created a hard-won place for herself at Ault. But when her behavior takes a self-destructive and highly public turn, her carefully crafted identity within the community is shattered.
Ultimately, Lee’s experiences–complicated relationships with teachers; intense friendships with other girls; an all-consuming preoccupation with a classmate who is less than a boyfriend and more than a crush; conflicts with her parents, from whom Lee feels increasingly distant, coalesce into a singular portrait of the painful and thrilling adolescence universal to us all.
From the Hardcover edition.
很多東西隻有自己經曆瞭纔會懂得。prep school life的酸楚與迷惘,旁人看來或許覺得太作,但當你身處這個bubble其中的時候,那個小小的校園就是你的世界,你的夢想,你的一切。
評分[English version] High school memories, or more precisely - high school feelings, rushed back. Feeling peripheral, experiencing heartbreak, longing to be wanted and needed, growing up is an universal agony. And as pointed out by Sittenfeld, the fact that you make peace with your being different, is the signal of adulthood.
評分How did you know if you loved another person? Was it a hunch like a good smell that you couldn't identify for sure, or did a time come when you have evidence? Was it like walking through a house and once your'd cressed a threshold, that was love and you w
評分prep school的青春期少女,popular kids, outsider, 成長
評分抱著非常低的期望,但成為很大的驚喜。低自尊、眼高手低、overly self-conscious的青春期女孩敏感心理刻畫入木三分,配以一個如影隨形無時無刻籠罩在主人公頭頂的主題:如何麵對優勢文化?如何麵對強勢文化是每個人在一生中不同階段總歸要麵臨的問題,它大到是你的齣身、階層、語言、文化,小到你是如何發音你每句話末的尾音。Intersectionality決定每個人總有一種社會屬性將她處於劣勢地位,而我們大多數人能力卻不足以允許自己和這些優勢文化徹底分道揚鑣,隻能在心理層麵尋求和解。高中四年裏,主人公在這個問題上沒有絲毫長進,but why is that so important to be liked?
可能是因为翻译的不好 后面有点儿看不下去的感觉 但是之前还是挺引人入胜的 学生时代 外国青春校园小说 适合初高中的学生看吧 自卑的女主角 贵族同学 性格怪异的朋友 孤独寂寞 胡思乱想 为了达到目的有时候不择手段 与男主角奇特的感情故事,那么自然又那...
評分能找到那么简单封面的书不多了。这种情节,若是放到国内,一定会被醒目地注上:叛逆少女的青春或是别的一些什么让人远离的字。所以挑中了以后,翻开了。 无疑莉是个敏感的女孩,就像我最开始的寄宿生涯一样多疑与惊慌。而我却只想说一些关于她与克劳斯。 奥尔特校园里...
評分刚开始读的时候感觉不错,描写很细腻,后面越来越摸不着头脑了,作者好象有点虎头蛇尾...... 克劳斯莫名其妙地接近莉,虽然后来明白可能是由于性的驱使,但是心里面还是有点怪.两人的关系实在很奇怪... 莉在最后的无心之失也好象写得太仓促,而且后面感觉莉也变了,不那么自重.这难道...
評分“我们总是会错误地对待一些人,而在那之后,我们才能从中学会怎样正确地对待其他人。” ——Curtis Sittenfeld (《奥尔特校园手记》简体中文版,人民文学出版社,2006年2月第1版,P264) www.curtissittenfeld.com 这位16岁即赢得小说大赛的女性作者,生于1...
Prep pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025