圖書標籤: 童書 美國文學 兒童文學·故事 兒童文學 children E.B.White 英文原版 少兒文學
Stuart Little 60th Anniversary Edition (full color) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A fully colorized paperback edition of E.B. White's classic novel about one small mouse on a very big adventure!</p>
Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure.</p>
Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend?</p>
E·B·懷特(1899-1985)生於紐約濛特弗農,畢業於康奈爾大學。多年來他為《紐約人》雜誌擔任專職撰稿人。懷特是一位頗有造詣的散文傢、幽默作傢、詩人和諷刺作傢。對於幾代美國兒童來說,他之所以齣名是因為寫第一流的兒童讀物 《小斯圖亞特》(1945)和《夏洛特的網》(1952)。一代又一代學生和作者熟悉他,因為他是 《風格的要素》這本書的閤著者 (兼修訂者)。該書是關於作文和慣用法的很有價值的小冊子,最初由在康奈爾大學教過懷特英語的小威廉.斯特朗剋教授撰寫。散文 《自由》於1940年7月首先由《哈潑斯》雜誌發錶。當時美國尚未加入反對納粹的戰爭,世界正處於納粹──蘇聯條約的時期,無論左派或右派都忽略瞭極權主義對民主的威脅。這篇散文收入懷特的文集《一個人的肉食》(1942)。
《精靈鼠小弟》60周年紀念版。全彩插圖。初版1945年,是作者E.B.White創作的第一本童書,也是畫傢Garth Williams繪製的第一本童書。 32開平裝,紙張質量很好,字體和圖片偏小。
評分Stuart雖然總是cosplay大人模樣,骨子裏卻透著十足的孩子氣,他很小,卻也有自己的驕傲。隨處田園風光的頌歌,死亡的思考,社會現象的諷刺…這還是一個沒有結局的故事。And a person who is looking for something doesn't travel very fast. Good luck to Stuart and to ourselves as well.
評分經典重讀,更重要的是這次算是得以窺得全貌。E B White的文筆一直都很喜歡(這種作者的厲害之處在於,其文字即使翻譯成中文一樣魅力無限),寫隨筆和寫童話一樣拿手,絕對是讓人讀不厭的那一種。稍顯可惜的是故事並沒有傳統意義上的結尾,對於一部兒童文學來說似乎有些不夠完整。
This review was delayed for...er one week? Now I am not only weak in discipline, but poor in memory. Stuart Little, a children's novel by E.B. White, is widely recognized as a classic in children's literature. It was adapted into film series whick I enjoy...
評分2013-11-18 20:38 This review was delayed for...er one week? Now I am not only weak in discipline, but poor in memory. Stuart Little, a children's novel by E.B. White, is widely recognized as a classic in children's literature. It was adapted into film s...
評分 評分 評分这是E. B. 给小朋友们创作的第一本童话,但即使是童话,怀特也是毫不吝啬他斐然的文采。文风优美,用词精准,寥寥数笔人物形象就跃然纸上——Stuart 如果不是一只老鼠,真的是很令人讨厌的大作逼;George如果不是Stuart的哥哥,那就是一个蠢到不行的脑残;Mr. Little 家...
Stuart Little 60th Anniversary Edition (full color) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025