图书标签: 英文原版 Frank_McCourt 爱尔兰 Autobiography 外国文学 成长 小说 英文
Angela's Ashes pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." So begins the luminous memoir of Frank McCourt, born in Depression-era Brooklyn to recent Irish immigrants and raised in the slums of Limerick, Ireland. Frank's mother, Angela, has no money to feed the children since Frank's father, Malachy, rarely works, and when he does he drinks his wages. Yet Malachy -- exasperating, irresponsible and beguiling -- does nurture in Frank an appetite for the one thing he can provide: a story. Frank lives for his father's tales of Cuchulain, who saved Ireland, and of the Angel on the Seventh Step, who brings his mother babies. Perhaps it is story that accounts for Frank's survival. Wearing rags for diapers, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner and gathering coal from the roadside to light a fire, Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors -- yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness. Angela's Ashes, imbued on every page with Frank McCourt's astounding humor and compassion, is a glorious book that bears all the marks of a classic.
弗兰克•迈考特(Frank McCourt)
善恶对错,都在生活的旋风中模糊了边界. Only suffer remains, only love remains. So poignant and vibrant the life unfolds.
评分善恶对错,都在生活的旋风中模糊了边界. Only suffer remains, only love remains. So poignant and vibrant the life unfolds.
评分Life is hard,enjoy it.
评分We used to be....
看了几篇推荐评论,都没说到我心坎里去,还是自己慢慢来写吧。 很欣赏这样的文学,这样的写作方式。 能够说出来的委屈都不算委屈,哭天抢地的痛苦也不算痛苦。 看的时候没有掉一滴眼泪,却在看完回想全文写评论时鼻子隐隐有点发酸。 弗兰基的日子,如果放到部分作者笔下,绝...
评分这本书放在想读书单里都快十年,已经忘了当初为什么想读,应该是看了某个友邻的推荐。如今已不可考。那天在旧书店看到这个版本,2.9元,居然想起来曾经想读,当然主要是价格便宜,就随手买了。 没有任何预期。读进去才发现作者的文笔很有意思。叙事是作者从小男孩到19岁的视角...
评分正在读《安吉拉的灰烬》这本书。它使我想起童年,那是文革混乱不堪的年代,苦难就像挣不脱的绳索紧紧牵扯着我们全家。与佛兰克一样的是,苦难中的我们也寻找到了很多欢乐。 和佛兰克一样,我也正在写那个年代的故事,但愿能早日写完。
评分关于这本书我就不罗嗦了,非常非常非常好看。Frank McCourt 把自己苦逼的爱尔兰童年写得让人一边哭一边笑,完全陷入疯狂的纠结之中。强烈推荐大家去买来看看,他用词很简单,句子很短,写得非常有画面感。所以获得普利策奖绝对是当之无愧的。 下面这段真是精彩啊。 看看最...
评分其实看完这本书,第一个想到的,不是作者悲惨的童年,而是惊奇于他在那样的恶劣环境中长大所具有的写作才华。我想这就是所谓的天分,不然真的无法解释为什么这本自传会有那样流畅生动的语言。 虽然不得不承认是写的非常动人的书,我却非常讨厌书里这样的父母。Frank的父亲母亲...
Angela's Ashes pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025