圖書標籤: Benjamin 文化研究 視覺 美學 電影 理論 文學理論 wb
Walter Benjamin pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
"Every line we succeed in publishing today ...is a victory wrested from the powers of darkness". So wrote Walter Benjamin in January 1940. Not long afterward, he himself would fall prey to those powers, a victim of suicide following a failed attempt to flee the Nazis. However insistently the idea of catastrophe hangs over Benjamin's writings in the final years of his life, the "victories wrested" in this period nonetheless constitute some of the most remarkable 20th-century analyses of the emergence of modern society. The essays on Charles Baudelaire are the distillation of a lifetime of thinking about the nature of modernity. They record the crisis of meaning experienced by a civilization sliding into the abyss, even as they testify to Benjamin's own faith in the written word. This volume ranges from studies of Baudelaire, Brecht, and the historian Carl Jochmann to appraisals of photography, film and poetry. At their core is the question of how art can survive and thrive in a tumultuous time. Here we see Benjamin laying out an ethic for the critic and artist - a subdued but resilient heroism. At the same time, he was setting forth a sociohistorical account of how art adapts in an Working at the height of his powers to the very end, Benjamin refined his theory of the mass media that culminated in the final version of his essay "The Work of Art in the Ages of its Technological Reproducibility". Also included in this volume is his influential piece "On the Concept of History", completed just before his death. The book is remarkable for its inquiry into the nature of "the modern" (especially as revealed in Baudelaire), for its ideas about the transmogrification of art and the radical discontinuities of history, and for its examples of humane life and thought in the midst of barbarism. The entire collection is eloquent testimony to the indomitable spirit of humanity under siege.
"the work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility" 早些時候會覺得Benjamin是個強調aura,彌撒的humanist老頭子,還有點神秘主義的冥頑不靈。可現在重讀竟然非常感動,在炮火的日子冷靜看法西斯的美學,剝絲抽繭齣迴溯的路徑。
評分The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility
評分The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility
評分"the work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility" 早些時候會覺得Benjamin是個強調aura,彌撒的humanist老頭子,還有點神秘主義的冥頑不靈。可現在重讀竟然非常感動,在炮火的日子冷靜看法西斯的美學,剝絲抽繭齣迴溯的路徑。
評分The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility
等了足足八年,哈佛大學出版終於出版了這個本雅明著作選系列的最後一冊。與德文版本雅明全集《Gesammelte Schriften》相比,這四冊英譯文選自然只是冰山一角,但大概已可讓英語界的讀者,一窺這位二十世紀的德國重要思想家的思想歷程。1940年,本雅明為了逃避納粹的逼害,欲經...
評分等了足足八年,哈佛大學出版終於出版了這個本雅明著作選系列的最後一冊。與德文版本雅明全集《Gesammelte Schriften》相比,這四冊英譯文選自然只是冰山一角,但大概已可讓英語界的讀者,一窺這位二十世紀的德國重要思想家的思想歷程。1940年,本雅明為了逃避納粹的逼害,欲經...
評分等了足足八年,哈佛大學出版終於出版了這個本雅明著作選系列的最後一冊。與德文版本雅明全集《Gesammelte Schriften》相比,這四冊英譯文選自然只是冰山一角,但大概已可讓英語界的讀者,一窺這位二十世紀的德國重要思想家的思想歷程。1940年,本雅明為了逃避納粹的逼害,欲經...
評分等了足足八年,哈佛大學出版終於出版了這個本雅明著作選系列的最後一冊。與德文版本雅明全集《Gesammelte Schriften》相比,這四冊英譯文選自然只是冰山一角,但大概已可讓英語界的讀者,一窺這位二十世紀的德國重要思想家的思想歷程。1940年,本雅明為了逃避納粹的逼害,欲經...
評分等了足足八年,哈佛大學出版終於出版了這個本雅明著作選系列的最後一冊。與德文版本雅明全集《Gesammelte Schriften》相比,這四冊英譯文選自然只是冰山一角,但大概已可讓英語界的讀者,一窺這位二十世紀的德國重要思想家的思想歷程。1940年,本雅明為了逃避納粹的逼害,欲經...
Walter Benjamin pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025