圖書標籤: Murdoch 英文 英國 電子書 文字竹簍 愛麗絲·默多剋 小說 外國文學
The Unicorn pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Marian Taylor, who has come as a 'companion' to a lonely woman in a remote castle, becomes aware that her employer is a prisoner, not only of her own obsessions , but of an unforgiving husband.Hannah, the Unicorn, seemingly an image of persecuted virtue, fascinates those who surround her, some of whom plan to rescue her from her dream of redemptive suffering. But is she an innocent victim, a guilty woman, a mad woman, or a witch?
艾麗絲•默多剋(Iris Murdoch,1919—1999)是英國二十世紀最著名的小說傢之一, 同時也是位貨真價實的哲學傢,被譽為 “全英國最聰明的女人”。她的哲學思想深受剋爾凱郭爾和薩特的存在主義影響,哲學寫作又深受西濛娜•韋伊與柏拉圖的影響,其小說創作緻力於探討善與惡、性關係、道德睏境與無意識的力量,以其對於個體內心生活的關注和深入探討,延續瞭托爾斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基、喬治•愛略特與普魯斯特等小說大師的偉大傳統。默多剋共六次進入布剋奬短名單,為該奬曆史上獲得提名最多的作傢,並以《大海,大海》奪魁。
序言第一句話:這本書的前2/3是作者最好的作品。一針見血!1/2時揭曉懸念,2/3時行動失敗,然後作者就被自己停在瞭杠頭上,剩下1/3就一鍋亂燉,最後強行一鍋端。就像2/3的the Severed Head續瞭1/3的the Bell.
評分Mature and experienced novelists will not explain the meaning of a certain moment in the pen, a few strokes in the past, never mention points, especially daily. I'm tired of the fate of the fate, just want to find the secret of a person and a family from the carpet texture, and then find that I have also joined the carpet weaving.
評分Mature and experienced novelists will not explain the meaning of a certain moment in the pen, a few strokes in the past, never mention points, especially daily. I'm tired of the fate of the fate, just want to find the secret of a person and a family from the carpet texture, and then find that I have also joined the carpet weaving.
評分Mature and experienced novelists will not explain the meaning of a certain moment in the pen, a few strokes in the past, never mention points, especially daily. I'm tired of the fate of the fate, just want to find the secret of a person and a family from the carpet texture, and then find that I have also joined the carpet weaving.
評分In morals, we're all prisoners, but the name of our cure is not freedom. 這本跟The sea the sea有很多相似處。Murdoch似乎更擅長諷刺,這本雖然意境很濃,但覺得故事和人物有點弱。在Hannah的過去被講明之前,看得非常爽,心想這就是我一直想要的那種哥特故事嘛。陷在bog裏那段也是真精彩。
这是我的第一本Iris Murdoch。前段时间被Byatt的小说迷得神魂颠倒,探赜索隐的兴致很浓,因此打算读一读Murdoch。这篇书评的题目也来自Byatt所撰Murdoch评论的书名。 我是在飞机上读完这部小说的,单从故事上说它足以让人沉浸其中:荒原异闻、深院古宅、囚禁与出逃、异常之人的...
評分《独角兽》写于1963年,是默多克早期的一部作品。这部作品在默多克众多的作品里算不上上乘,但其作品风格还是能得窥一二。默多克的创作致力于探讨善与恶,性关系,道德困境与无意识的力量。在《独角兽》这部作品里,能够看到的是无意识的力量的展现。 小说从一开始即把人引...
評分这是我的第一本Iris Murdoch。前段时间被Byatt的小说迷得神魂颠倒,探赜索隐的兴致很浓,因此打算读一读Murdoch。这篇书评的题目也来自Byatt所撰Murdoch评论的书名。 我是在飞机上读完这部小说的,单从故事上说它足以让人沉浸其中:荒原异闻、深院古宅、囚禁与出逃、异常之人的...
評分在阅读的过程中,我一直沉浸在深夜的暗与黄昏的微弱光芒中,这是《独角兽》给我的情感烙印。如果拍成电影,一定很好看。 悬崖上的十八世纪黑色别墅和灰蒙的天空,气压极低,仿佛随时都可能劈下一道狭长的闪电。悬崖下是灰黑色波涛汹涌的冰凉海水和暗黑潮湿的沼泽,周围是萧瑟的...
評分这是我的第一本Iris Murdoch。前段时间被Byatt的小说迷得神魂颠倒,探赜索隐的兴致很浓,因此打算读一读Murdoch。这篇书评的题目也来自Byatt所撰Murdoch评论的书名。 我是在飞机上读完这部小说的,单从故事上说它足以让人沉浸其中:荒原异闻、深院古宅、囚禁与出逃、异常之人的...
The Unicorn pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025