圖書標籤: 曆史 人文 溥儀 迷幻 近代史 輕音樂 買瞭未讀 英文原版
From Emperor to Citizen pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
From Emperor to Citien is the
autobiography of Pu Yi, the man who
was the last emperor of China. A
unique memoir of the first half of the
20th century as seen through the eyes
of one born to be an absolute
monarch, the book begins with the
author's vivid account of the last,
decadent days of the Ching Dynasty,
and closes with an introspective
self-portrait of the last Ching emperor
transformed into a retiring scholar
and citizen of the People's Republic
of China.
In detailing the events of the fifty
years between his ascension to the
throne and the final period of his life
as a quiet-living resident of Beijing,
Pu Yi reveals himself to be first and
foremost a survivor, caught up in the
torrent of global power struggles and
world conflict that played itself out
on the Asian continent through many
decades of violence and upheaval.
This firsthand description of the
dramatic events of Pu Yi's life was the
basis for the intemationally acclaimed
1987 Bemardo Bertolucci film The
Last Emperor which was named Best
Picture of the Year by the American
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. From Emperor to Citizen
readily lends itself to cinematic
adaptation as a personal narrative of
continuously significant and revea-
ling episodes.
Becoming emperor and then
forced to abdicate with the
establishment of the Republic of
China in 1911, all before he is seven
years old, Pu Yi continues to live in
the Forbidden City for another
decade, still treated as the Son of
Heaven by the moribund Ching court,
but in reality a virtual prisoner, with
little genuine human contact apart
from his beloved nurse Mrs. Wang,
his teacher Chen Pao-shen and his
English tutor Reginald Johnston.
When at the age of nineteen Pu Yi
is finally forced to vacate his isolated
existence within the Forbidden City,
he begins his long odyssey as the
dependent of the occupying imperial
Japanese regime, first in Tientsin, and
eventually installed as "emperor" of
the Japanese puppet state styled
Manchukuo in China's northeast
provinces. With the defeat of Japan
and the end of the Second World War,
Pu Yi faces a very uncertain future as
he is shunted off to Russia for five
years before retuming to a new China
transformed by revolution, where he
is confined in the Fushun War
Criminal Prison. Here he undergoes
several years of rehabilitation,
"learning how to become a human
being," as he calls it, before receiving
an official pardon and being allowed
to finally live as an ordinary citizen of
This autobiography is the culmi-
nation of a unique and remarkable
life, told simply, directly and frankly
by a man whose circumstances and
experiences were like no other.
北京書市淘的,大學時讀過中文版。舊書重讀似春潮,內容倒感覺像是新讀。最讓人春潮湧動的是在撫順,在哈爾濱監獄改造那段。飛龍不在天,也不再允許有飛龍的時候,方見人情,世味。但似乎又是昨日種種,都成今我的輪迴。不過終於還是remoulding過來瞭,thanks to magnanimousness。
評分補記 好本子
評分北京書市淘的,大學時讀過中文版。舊書重讀似春潮,內容倒感覺像是新讀。最讓人春潮湧動的是在撫順,在哈爾濱監獄改造那段。飛龍不在天,也不再允許有飛龍的時候,方見人情,世味。但似乎又是昨日種種,都成今我的輪迴。不過終於還是remoulding過來瞭,thanks to magnanimousness。
看了黄子华演的《非常公民》才去弄来这本书和他洋师傅庄士敦的《紫禁城的黄昏》。 很喜欢溥仪的老师陈宝琛先生。“他笑的时候,眼睛在老光镜片后面眯成一道线,一只手慢慢捋着雪白而稀疏的胡子”。 溥仪的毛笔字真的很漂亮呃。用自来水笔写的就一般般了。以前听老师说,毛笔...
評分 評分三岁稀里糊涂登了极,三年后慌里慌张退了位。1932开始做了十四年的满洲国皇帝,受尽了人本的摆布,名副其实的傀儡皇帝。日本战败投降,被苏联红军逮捕,在苏联关押了五年。1950年回国,1959年十年国庆大赦出狱,在中国的监狱里面又改造了10年。 有人认为作为一名末代皇帝,溥仪...
評分李文达是这本书的“捉刀人” 应该是基本史实。当然他是基于抚顺战犯管理所时期由傅仪口述,傅杰执笔的《前半生》(自传体悔罪思想报告之类的东西)。但是后面成书,李文达的工作是至关重要的。 因为即使经过初步整理,原《前半生》依然是“很多事情记不清,说不清,只是自己的...
評分我一直在想,溥仪到底有没有说真话。 这本书带有很强的传奇色彩,所以还是很吸引人的。但不得不说,溥仪的那些口号,那些批判,有着强烈的XX色彩。我们有理由相信,他在写作这本书的时候是处在某种压力之下,或者,带有自保的心理。 看溥仪这个人,本事没多少,但是非常善于权...
From Emperor to Citizen pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025