图书标签: Spiritualism 哲学思辨 前世今生 2012年看的书
Many Lives, Many Masters pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss had been working with Catherine, a young patient, for eighteen months. Catherine was suffering from recurring nightmares and chronic anxiety attacks. When his traditional methods of therapy failed, Dr Weiss turned to hypnosis and was astonished and sceptical when Catherine began recalling past-life traumas which seemed to hold the key to her problems. Dr Weiss's scepticism was eroded when Catherine began to channel messages from 'the space between lives', which contained remarkable revelations about his own life. Acting as a channel for information from highly evolved spirit entities called the Masters, Catherine revealed many secrets of life and death. This fascinating case dramatically altered the lives of Catherine and Dr Weiss, and provides important information on the mysteries of the mind, the continuation of life after death and the influence of our past-life experiences on our present behaviour.
“You believe, then you perceive" 读完并没有带给我预期的震撼。书里想传达的信息对我而言只是带出更多的疑惑。如何生活是需要自己去体会和思考的吧
评分“You believe, then you perceive" 读完并没有带给我预期的震撼。书里想传达的信息对我而言只是带出更多的疑惑。如何生活是需要自己去体会和思考的吧
评分“You believe, then you perceive" 读完并没有带给我预期的震撼。书里想传达的信息对我而言只是带出更多的疑惑。如何生活是需要自己去体会和思考的吧
评分昨儿晚上甚是想你,想着如今若是看到你的票圈该是醒来后最上面的几条之一,醒来果真看到你发的票圈,突然就感觉好幸福。Somehow I feel we've lived together for years.
评分昨儿晚上甚是想你,想着如今若是看到你的票圈该是醒来后最上面的几条之一,醒来果真看到你发的票圈,突然就感觉好幸福。Somehow I feel we've lived together for years.
我想我素来是倾向相信了轮回的。 或者是电视剧中美好的轮回爱情让我羡慕,或者是双鱼座天生具有的通灵特质,又或者是那种陌生环境中的突然温暖感,我总觉得冥冥之中我是曾经在过去存活过,见证着历史的人。我亦从来不断在思考“什么是我”,为什么是“我”呢?仿如有一...
评分<正见> 卫君宇 相信许多人还记得二十多年前的一本畅销书 ─ 《前世今生》。书的作者叫布莱恩 · 魏斯( Brian L. Weiss ),一位常青藤名校耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学的毕业生,曾是接受正规训练的医生,权威的心理医学教授,主任医师,坚决的无神论者。 然而,一位叫凯瑟琳的女...
评分1.凡事是急不来的,该来的自然会来,一切随顺自然,随缘而动,随遇而安 2.人生是一堂堂待学的课程。我们是来到世间学习,玩耍,修行兼旅游的实习神明。刻苦修行是为了提高自己的层次,让下一世更加完满,甚至脱离六道轮回,达到涅槃境界 3.爱、慈悲、包容、关怀、平等、尊重...
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