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The Drowned and the Saved pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Shortly after completing THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED, Primo Levi committed suicide. The matter of his death was sudden, violent and unpremiditated, and there were some who argue that he killed himself because he was tormented by guilt - guilt that he had survived the horrors of Auschwitz while others, better than he, had gone to the wall. THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED is Levi's impassioned attempt to understand the 'rationale' behind the concentration camps, was completed shortly before his tragic death in 1987. THE DROWNED AND THE SAVED dispels the myth that Primo Levi forgave the Germans for what they did to his people. He didn't and couldn't forgive. He refused, however, to indulge in what he called 'the bestial vice of hatred' which is an entirely different matter. The voice that sounds in his writing is that of a reasonable man...it warns and reminds us that the unimaginable can happen again. A would-be tyrant is waiting in the wings, with 'beautiful words' on his lips. The book is constantly impressing on us the need to learn from the past, to make sense of the senseless' PAUL BAILEY
普里莫·莱维 (Primo Levi,1919—1987) 意大利最重要的作家、化学家以及奥斯维辛174517号囚犯,这两种身份与经历建立了他写作的基础。 莱维1919年出生于意大利都灵,1944年因参与反法西斯运动被捕,后被遣送至奥斯维辛集中营。战争结束后,他回到故 乡都灵生活。1987年自杀身亡。他的作品曾被选入意大利语文教材,涉及诗歌、小说、回忆录等各个领域。著有《活在奥斯维辛》(Survival in Auschwitz)、《再度觉醒》(The Reawakening)、《缓刑时刻》(Moments of Reprieve)、《元素周期表》(The Periodic Table)、《如果不是现在,那么何时?》(If Not Now, When?)、《猴子的忧伤》(The Monkey’s Wrench)等。《被淹没和被拯救的》(The Drowned and the Saved)是他生前完成的最后一部著作。
The tormented will remain tormented.
评分The tormented will remain tormented.
评分The tormented will remain tormented.
评分The tormented will remain tormented.
评分The tormented will remain tormented.
一个人坏到什么程度才会无动于衷的去灭绝另一群人? 梁文道先生说过,根据对希特勒的描述,他并不是一个丧心病狂的人,在看节目里有狮子扑向羚羊的镜头,希特勒会撇开头让人关掉电视,说太残忍了。而是这样一个人,领导了对百万犹太人的大清洗。 《被淹没...
评分原创微信公众号:阿轩的一千零一夜 微博:丑娃阿轩 欢迎朋友们关注我,我们一起读书 今天,我要为你们介绍一位作家。 对我来说写书评更简单一些,毕竟看完一本书总会有一些心得,书里的文字也能带给我灵感。如果要用一整篇文章去介绍一位素味平生的人,我脑海中浮现的第一个人...
评分读过Primo的 If not now, when. 虽然是英文翻译版,但是仍然很喜欢。但是那一本真的可以说是半literature,符合人们对善良,以及善有善报的期待,因为结果是皆大欢喜的,那些Partisons 最后去了以色列,有一个新出生的Baby,象征一切的开始。不得不说,那本书符合我们这些没有...
评分 评分歷史的死與生 從此後這無比的痛苦, 時時出現,將我折磨: 我的心在劇痛中燃燒, 直到我把這故事訴說。 《古舟子詠》 塞缪尔•泰勒•柯勒律治(扉頁) 諾貝爾文學獎獲得者川端康成說過:“自殺而無遺書,是最好不過的了。無言的死,就是無限的活。”他自己是這樣做了,義...
The Drowned and the Saved pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025