Introduction To Digital Signal Processing pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This book offers an introduction to digital signal processing (DSP) with an emphasis on audio signals and computer music. It covers the mathematical foundations of DSP, important DSP theories including sampling, LTI systems, the z-transform, FIR/IIR filters, classic sound synthesis algorithms, various digital effects, topics in time and frequency-domain analysis/synthesis, and associated musical/sound examples. Whenever possible, pictures and graphics are included when presenting DSP concepts of various abstractions. To further facilitate understanding of ideas, a plethora of MATLAB® code examples are provided, allowing the reader tangible means to connect dots via mathematics, visuals, as well as aural feedback through synthesis and modulation of sound. This book is designed for both technically and musically inclined readers alike folks with a common goal of exploring digital signal processing.
Contents: Acoustics, Hearing Limitations, and Sampling Time-Domain Signal Processing I Time-Domain Processes II Sine Waves Linear Time-Invariant Systems Frequency Response Filters Frequency-Domain and the Fourier Transform Spectral Analysis, Vocoders, and Other Goodies
樸泰弘(韓) ,齣生於奧地利維也納,1994年於韓國高麗大學獲電子工程學士學位,2000年於美國達特茅斯大學獲電子音樂碩士學位,隨後在美國普林斯頓大學獲音樂學博士學位;時任Tulane大學音樂係助理教授,時任ICMC / ICMA(國際計算機音樂學會)主席和AES(國際音頻工程學會)分會秘書長;主持過FMS、新形態音樂研究等多項科研項目,多次在ICMC、Computer Music Journal(計算機音樂學報)等國際重要會議和期刊上發錶學術論文,齣版過Introduction to DSP: Computer Musically Speaking (音樂的數字信號處理) 等多部專著,在Santa Fe國際電子音樂節、我國中央音樂學院主辦的2008國際電子音樂節等知名音樂會上發錶過多首電子音樂作品,是國際知名的電子音樂、計算機音樂學及音樂聲學領域的青年學者之一。
Introduction To Digital Signal Processing pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025