Introduction, John Krige and Domonique Pestre. Part 1 Images of science: historiography of science - an American perspective, M. Dennis; what is science?, S. Schaffer; on seeing broken spectres, Faulkner and Kerr. Part 2 Science and the social fabric: science, politics and the state, D. Pestre; crafting and disciplining the tropics - plant science in the French colonies, C. Bonneuil; the management of society by numbers, T. Porter; scientific management and the production process, Y. Cohen; the discovery of growth - statistical glimpses of 20th-century science, S.E. Cozzens; academic research, technical change and government policy, K. Pavitt; science and the university - patterns from the US experience in the 20th century, R.L. Geiger; science and the military, E. Mendelsohn; innovation and the modern corporation - from heroic invention to industrial science, B. Carlson; innovative networks and the transformation of the pharmaceutical industry in the 20th century, L. Galambos and J.L. Sturchio; the case of electronics - from tubes to transistors, J.-P. Collett; science in public policy - a history of high-level radioactive waste management, F. Berkhout; from eugenics to genetic manipulation, D.J. Kevles; in the name of science, B. Bensaude Vincent; science fiction and science in the 20th century, K. Steinmueller. Part 3 Interlude: seeing and picturing - visual representation in 20th century science, M. Kemp. Part 4 Research dynamics: the Earth sciences and geophysics, R.E. Doel; neo-Darwinism and natural history, S. Kingsland; clinical research, C. Lawrence; cancer - the century of the transformed cell, I. Lowy; a science "dans le siecle" - immunology or the science of boundaries, A.-M. Moulin; the molecular transformation of 20th-century biology, P. Abir Am; biochemistry, molecules and macromolecules, H. Kamminga; polymer chemistry, Y. Furukawa; atomic and molecular science 1900-1960, M.-J. Nye; solid state science, L. Hoddeson; from "elementary" to "fundamental" particles, S.S. Schweber; computer science - the search for a mathematical theory, M.S. Mahoney; astronomy, K. Hufbauer; mathematics in the 20th century, A. Dahan. Part 5 Science and its practices: material culture, theoretical culture and delocalization, P. Galison; biologists at work - experimental practice in the 20th-century life sciences, J.-P. Gaudilliere; mastering nature and yeomen - agricultural science in the 20th century, D. Fitzgerald; the role of physical instrumentation in structural organic chemistry in the 20th century, P.J.T. Morris; physics instruments in the 20th century, P. Brenni. Part 6 Regional and national institutions: science in the United Kingdom - a study in the nationalization of science, D. Edgerton; Russian science in the 20th century, N. Krementsov. (Part contents)
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