图书标签: 思想史 哲学 启蒙 英文 文化 政治哲学 历史 t启蒙
The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This title challenges the belief that the 18th century was essentially modern in its temper. Carl Becker demonstrates that the period commonly described as the Age of Reason was, in fact, very far from that; that Voltaire, Hume, Diderot, and Locke were living in a medieval world, and that these philosophers "demolished the Heavenly City of St. Augustine only to rebuild it with more up-to-date materials". In a new foreword, Johnson Kent Wright looks at the book's continuing relevance within the context of current discussion about the Enlightenment.
卡尔·贝克尔 (Carl Lotus Becker 1873-1945),美国著名历史学家,曾任康奈尔大学教授、美国历史学会主席、美国科学院院士,受业于“边疆史学”代表人物F.J.特纳,为“进步派”史学阵营的代表人物之一。
译者 何兆武,1921年生于北京,原籍湖南,西南联 大历史系毕业。曾任中国社科院历史所研究员,清华大学思想文化研究所教授,德国马堡大学客座教授。多年致力于中国思想史、西方思想史、历史哲学的教学与研究。译述康德、卢梭、罗素、帕斯卡、孔多塞等西方思想家的学术经典20余种。
挺轻巧聪明的小册子,"The New History" 一章真是吐得一口好槽。马克两句话: “History is only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.” (Voltaire); "[T]here is far greater need of forgetting than of remembering." (Chastellux)
评分挺轻巧聪明的小册子,"The New History" 一章真是吐得一口好槽。马克两句话: “History is only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.” (Voltaire); "[T]here is far greater need of forgetting than of remembering." (Chastellux)
评分挺轻巧聪明的小册子,"The New History" 一章真是吐得一口好槽。马克两句话: “History is only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.” (Voltaire); "[T]here is far greater need of forgetting than of remembering." (Chastellux)
评分挺轻巧聪明的小册子,"The New History" 一章真是吐得一口好槽。马克两句话: “History is only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.” (Voltaire); "[T]here is far greater need of forgetting than of remembering." (Chastellux)
评分挺轻巧聪明的小册子,"The New History" 一章真是吐得一口好槽。马克两句话: “History is only a pack of tricks we play on the dead.” (Voltaire); "[T]here is far greater need of forgetting than of remembering." (Chastellux)
评分上世纪30年代的史学研究,如今看来确实漏洞百出而且背离了史学研究应当遵循的理性客观的原则。看完这本书又去看了Peter Gay对于这本书的评论。“Carl Becker's Heavenly City”这个题目起的很精妙。贝克对于启蒙运动的一些观点很有趣很有煽动力,但仔细想想却属于过于主观的推...
评分老师推荐的 第一章叫舆论的气候 看过这章以后便爱不释手 果然是好书 18世纪哲学们以为自己是摒弃上帝的理性主义者 其实他们远不是 只不过从一个城跳到了另一个城 高中时期历史书上学过关于启蒙思想关于理性主义 这本书中作者表达的观点让我耳目一新 作者(包括译者)文笔很好 ...
评分这本书其实是合集,除了《18世纪哲学家的天城》(以下简称天城)还包括了卡尔·贝克尔另外两篇文章。但我这里仅仅只是针对《天城》而言。 《天城》让我想起了邓晓芒的一篇论文,名字忘了,但二者明显有联系(说不定我就是在邓晓芒的那篇论文里知道了这本书),邓文的主要意思...
The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025