图书标签: 金融 哲学 Soros 索羅斯 投资 值得琢磨 philosophy, The
The Soros Lectures pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Five lectures George Soros recently delivered at the Central European University in Budapest - which he founded in 1991 - distill a lifetime of thinking on finance, capitalism and open society In a series of lectures delivered at the Central European University in October 2009, George Soros provided a broad overview of his thoughts on economics and politics. The lectures are the culmination of a lifetime of practical and philosophical reflection. In the first and second lecture, Soros discusses his general theory of reflexivity and its application to financial markets, providing insight into the recent financial crisis. The third and fourth lectures examine the concept of open society, which has guided Soros' global philanthropy, as well as the potential for conflict between capitalism and open society. The closing lecture focuses on the way ahead, closely examining the increasingly important economic and political role that China will play in the future. "The Budapest Lectures" presents these five seminal talks into one volume, which offers a condensed and highly readable summary of Soros' world view.
评分applying the idea of imperfect human knowledge (due to "fallibility" and "reflexivity", which are subtle and I don't think I've grasped them fully) and open society to financial crises and capitalism, very interesting analysis
评分“索罗斯的哲学”确实有哲学的成分,非常非常广义地来讲,他从波普那里继承了两点--1)证伪主义的方法论加上他自己捣鼓出来的所谓reflexivity(即人的接受与反应)。 2)注重个体自由的开放社会观念。个人认为此书不值得细读,纯粹是看amazon打1折才买的
评分3p 经验性真理不可能是绝对确定的。进一步说,人的认知并不完美,但是经济学中的完美竞争理论则假定存在完美认知,而这二者是矛盾的。 7p 哲学理念并不是一个人的问题:它有助于我们对现实的理解。 8p 谬误性(fallibility):在参与者有思维能力的前提下,参与者对世界的看...
评分从实用性的角度来说,哲学在国内向来处于比较尴尬的地位。任何人在高考填报志愿的时候,没有人会主动选择哲学——这就是哲学的地位。但事实证明,那些在某些领域里处于权威地位的人,对哲学都有着非常深刻的见解。 哲学常常被看做通学,也就是各门学科的鼻祖。这么说当然显得...
评分上帝掷骰子吗?霍金说,上帝不仅掷骰子,而且还把骰子掷到我们看不见的地方。 上帝掷骰子,也就是说,世界是随机和不确定的,是由概率决定的,这个事实不仅挑战我们普通人对世界的认知,也挑战了像爱因斯坦这样伟大的头脑。 但霍金是对的,上帝确实把骰子掷到了我们看不见的地...
The Soros Lectures pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025