圖書標籤: 哲學 (English)
Human, all too human pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: THE RELIGIOUS LIFE. The Double Contest Against Evil.?If an evil afflicts us we can either so deal with it as to remove its cause or else so deal with it that its effect upon our feeling is changed; hence look upon the evil as a benefit of which the uses will perhaps first become evident in some subsequent period. Religion and art (and also the metaphysical philosophy) strive to effect an alteration of the feeling, partly by an alteration of our judgment respecting the experience (for example, with the aid of the dictum "whom God loves, he chastizes") partly by the awakening of a joy in pain, in emotion especially (whence the art of tragedy had its origin). The more one is disposed to interpret away and justify, the less likely he is to look directly at the causes of evil and eliminate them. An instant alleviation and narcotizing of pain, as is usual in the case of tooth ache, is sufficient for him even in the severest suffering. The more the domination of religions and of all narcotic arts declines, the more searchingly do men look to the elimination of evil itself, which is a rather bad thing for the tragic poets?for there is ever less and less material for tragedy, since the domain of unsparing, immutable destiny grows constantly more circumscribed ? and a still worse thing for the priests, for these last have lived heretofore upon the narcoticizing of human ill. Sorrow is Knowledge.?How willingly would not one exchange the false assertions of the homines religiosi that there is a god who commands us to be good, who is the sentinel and witness of every act, every moment, every thought, who loves us, who plans our welfare in every misfortune?how willingly would not one exchange these for truths as healing, beneficial and grateful as those delusions But there are no s...
弗裏德裏希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900),19世紀德國哲學傢,唯意誌論和生命哲學主要代錶之一,被認為是世界最偉大的思想傢之一。
評分他的思想感觉他是竖立于人性之上的,把人性的面目阐述得如此清晰带有艺术性却又不晦涩难懂,但又感到他就生活在人群之中,把我们看得如此透骨。 人们不羞于思考肮脏的东西, 但是当人们想象有人相信他们有这种念头的时候,他们就感到羞耻了——看到这句话后,我便羞耻了··...
評分澄清标题,没有轻视的意思... 有的好书需要静下心去细细梳理其中的脉络,有的好书没心没肺的随手翻翻也会被深深触动. 翻开书前,还曾很认真的大概计划了一下看书的计划,翻开后发现,这是本不用计划去读的书,甚至不用准备书签.随时随地随手翻开任何一页,简短的几句话就足以带你看...
評分以前听《西方哲学史》的课程,老师反复的跟我们提到评价一本书好与不好的原则:那就是在整本书的系统中,前后的逻辑是否一致。 尼采《悲剧诞生于音乐精神》之后的所有书,彻底的颠覆了他教给我的这一观念。 如果说《人性的,太人性的》是对《悲剧的诞生》的颠覆的话,那在这本...
評分就象你把一块砖头拍在简陋厕所的黄沟里,小孩儿提上裤子,跳出圈外,对你怯怯地说: “坏蛋,大坏蛋。” 适合自己的就是最好的,让自己无所适从的就是最坏的,最坏的也不错。人生短暂,值得疯上一回。
Human, all too human pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025