图书标签: 哲学 幽默
Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
From the authors of the bestselling Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar , an uproarious new book on the meaning of death (and life, too)
The new book by the bestselling authors of Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar is a hilarious take on the philosophy, theology, and psychology of mortality and immortality. That is, Death. The authors pry open the coffin lid on this one, looking at the Big D and also its prequel, Life, and its sequel, the Hereafter. Philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Camus, and Sartre have been wrestling with the meaning of death for as long as they have been wrestling with the meaning of life. Fortunately, humorists have been keeping pace with the major thinkers by creating gags about dying. Death's funny that way-it gets everybody's attention.
Death has gotten a bad rap. It's time to take a closer look at what the Deep Thinkers have to say on the subject, and there are no better guides than Cathcart and Klein.
Thomas Cathcart 毕业于哈佛大学哈佛学院哲学专业,主要致力于医疗保健领域的工作,包括管理美国缅因州波特兰的艾滋病人寄养所。
Daniel Klein 毕业于哈佛大学哈佛学院哲学专业,美国作家,与Thomas Cathcart合著有Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar,该书为《纽约时报》畅销书,现已有26种语言的译本。
很少有一本书可以把哲学这门晦涩艰深的学问和死亡这个令人避之不及的话题探讨得这么诙谐幽默,轻松俏皮。 整本书的结构编排比较精巧,从引发读者对于死亡的思考、到探讨自我为何、直至追求永生,层次循序渐进,逐一升华。 书中以对话的形式巧妙的穿插了从古至今,各个哲学分支...
评分日本心理学家森田正马在其理论中说,每个人都有“生的欲望”和“死的恐惧”。正因为对死亡感到恐惧,人们才会专注于自身产生的变化,从而导致神经症的形成。 死亡如此让人焦虑、使人恐惧,千百年来的文化便将其设为禁忌,禁止讨论、甚至试图彻底否决——颇有一股弗洛伊德式防御...
评分作者前2本我还挺喜欢的,这本新出的时候还到处都借不到。不过读了觉得有点摸不着头脑。可能死亡这个话题实在离自己生活太遥远了? 基本没有考虑过其意义。 笑话太多,理论穿插的一般,结果就是读了感觉颇离散,没有能体会到整体意义。 只说个稍微有印象的点滴: 关于永生一个...
评分 评分每个人都会死,但我总以为自己不会 Thomas Cathcart Daniel Klein 书名有点调侃 不过也有点真实。看了封面 你猜它是讲什么的呢? 这的确是一本谈论死亡的书 但并没有封面显示的那么黑暗和严肃 反而是以两个人对谈的方式 把历史上人们对死亡的哲学思考 从柏拉图 亚里士多...
Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025