圖書標籤: 日本 婚姻 原版 傳記
Princess Masako pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The tragic true story of Japan's Crown Princess-with a new afterword by the author.
It's the fantasy of many young women: marry a handsome prince, move into a luxurious palace, and live happily ever after. But that's not how it turned out for Masako Owada. Ben Hills's fascinating portrait of Princess Masako and the Chrysanthemum Throne draws on research in Tokyo and rural Japan, at Oxford and Harvard, and from more than sixty interviews with Japanese, American, British, and Australian sources-many of whom have never spoken publicly before-shedding light on the royal family's darkest secrets, secrets that can never be openly discussed in Japan because of the reverence in which the emperor and his family are held. But most of all, this is a story about a love affair that went tragically wrong.
The paperback edition will contain a new afterword by the author, discussing the impact this book had in Japan, where it was banned.
班.希爾斯(Ben Hills)
澳洲知名記者,也是經驗豐富的國際特派員,曾報導戰爭、選舉、醜聞、名流與社會議題。由於記者工作,在過去三十幾年間走訪瞭五十多個國傢,七○年代深耕於倫敦,旁及中東與非洲,八○年代於香港,九○年代則報導日本德仁皇太子與雅子妃的皇室新聞。曾獲素有澳洲普立茲獎之稱的「沃爾剋雷新聞獎(Walkley Award)」。著有《Japan: Behind the Lines》,該書攝影師為作者的日本籍妻子,報導日本社會文化在多事的一九九三年至一九九六年之間所受到的衝擊與轉變(政府變動三次、死亡人數高達六韆的大地震、地鐵毒氣事件、二次大戰終戰五十週年)。
这是一本写日本的书,也是一本没有在日本出版的书。 提到皇室,对于我们大陆民众而言,暑期档满满的清宫秘史穿越内斗让我们有了很多谈资和热点话题。因为已成过去,所以宫廷戏的编剧导演可以为了吸引眼球,细化突出放大人物的矛盾,使得人物形象更为鲜明。 经济政...
Princess Masako pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025