A Civil Action pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Every element of great drama--tragic deaths, titanic greed, a flawed hero--already existed in Jonathan Harr s A Civil Action. John Shea s reading provides the finishing touch: a great voice. Shea, an Obie Award-winning stage actor, is probably best known for his roles in a handful of films in the 80s, including Missing and Windy City. His smooth, disciplined reading guides us through some of the book s heavy traffic--lots of medical information, many characters with complex backgrounds, multiple carcinogenic chemicals--without for a second allowing us to get lost in those details. We never forget we re heading toward one of modern journalism s great clashes of good and evil, and even if we know in advance which side wins, the narrative path to that conclusion is always riveting. (Running time: 4 hours, 4 cassettes)
喬納森·哈爾(Jonathan Harr)齣生於美國威斯康星州貝洛伊特市,現居馬薩諸塞州的北安普頓。他曾任《新英格蘭月刊》(New England Monthly)的特約撰稿人,現為《紐約時報雜誌》(The New York Times Magazine)和《紐約客》撰稿,同時在史密斯學院教授非虛構類作品的寫作。他曾多次獲得文學類和報道類奬項,包括美國調查記者編輯協會奬。
哈爾曆時8年調查寫齣的作品《漫長的訴訟》(A Civil Action)在1995年齣版後被提名美國國傢圖書奬,並最終獲得瞭美國國傢書評人協會奬(非虛構類)和美國律師協會最高奬銀錘奬,該書還被哈佛大學、耶魯大學等五十多所知名大學的法學院列為必讀圖書。該書改編的同名電影由約翰·屈伏塔和羅伯特·杜瓦爾主演,於1998年上映並獲得瞭兩項奧斯卡奬提名。2005年,哈爾撰寫瞭暢銷書《消失的畫》(The Lost Painting)。
下半年入P大国际法学院,这本是导师推荐的入学前需要读完的第一本书,算是对美国法律体系是怎么运作的初步印象吧,导师强调的还是解决问题的思维而不是法律条文。另外的一本的是To Kill A Mockingbird.
評分本书的作者是美国的乔纳森哈尔,记叙的是一个发生在美国波士顿沃伯恩小镇的真实故事。由于水的污染问题使当地居民,尤其是儿童白血病患者的数量开始急剧的增加并且死亡接踵而至。年轻有为的律师施利特曼代表被害家庭开始了一场长达七年的诉讼。 故事的开始并不是那么地吸引我,...
評分 評分Finished it in a hurry, never thought an epic story of this would end in such a strikingly cruel way. I almost found myself losing faith in the whole system in the face of so many lies and so called "injustice". One line impressed me most reads "(for bei...
評分A Civil Action pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025