图书标签: 美国 科普 文化 历史
Leviathan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"The best history of American whaling to come along in a generation."--Nathaniel Philbrick. "Leviathan" is the epic history of the "iron men in wooden boats" who built an industrial empire through the pursuit of whales. "To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme," Herman Melville proclaimed, and this absorbing history demonstrates that few things can capture the sheer danger and desperation of men on the deep sea as dramatically as whaling. Eric Jay Dolin begins his vivid narrative with Captain John Smith's botched whaling expedition to the New World in 1614. He then chronicles the rise of a burgeoning industry--from its brutal struggles during the Revolutionary period to its golden age in the mid-1800s when a fleet of more than 700 ships hunted the seas and American whale oil lit the world, to its decline as the twentieth century dawned. This sweeping social and economic history provides rich and often fantastic accounts of the men themselves, who mutinied, murdered, rioted, deserted, drank, scrimshawed, and recorded their experiences in journals and memoirs. Containing a wealth of naturalistic detail on whales, "Leviathan" is the most original and stirring history of American whaling in many decades. 32 pages of illustrations.
20200624-0626 端午节 Leviathan 利维坦是海中怪兽,为书名增加了几分探险色彩。这本书号称捕鲸史,原本以为是偏文学类创造,读完才发现其实是对一个产业从开始到终结的史诗描述,和棉花帝国的描述有点类似。 1.时间跨度,从1614年描写到了1922年近300年的历史,捕鲸业从等待...
评分 评分在上海历史博物馆,古代上海的展厅入口赫然放着一块鲸鱼骨,它被视作是上海早期地形的物证。而在美国环境学者埃里克·杰·多林笔下,鲸鱼更可充当美国历史多维度的见证者。《利维坦:美国捕鲸史》一书带我们了解这庞然大物如何走进人类的生活。 虽然有人以为,以巧劲降服“海洋...
评分 评分今年7月1日,日本捕鲸船队从多座港口起航,时隔31年重启商业捕鲸。这样明目张胆地逆势而为激起了其他国家的广泛谴责,全球舆论登时一片哗然。 日本早在去年12月份就宣布退出国际捕鲸委员会(IWC),并于今年6月30日正式退出。针对此举,日本给出的理由可谓冠冕堂皇:一是保护水...
Leviathan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025