Women European Politics pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
1 the ~rounds o~ sex is m~)ralh wrone and Ooiiticalh, iinxvis,<br >ember of thc sc x which is discriminaied against 1 hold<br >c~rs strongly. I al ,o belicvc thai sex equality ,,ill come<br >:ll~ when women makc usc of the full array of political w~<br >,aihlblc to them to achieve il; th~,t is. political activit,~ is cs<br > the sirugglc for women s liberation. It is; as a polit~cm ic<br >rat 1 have choseu my ++tbiect.<br > ttowcvcr, it is as an academic political scientist tlmt<br >ritlcn about it and as such 1 have made usc of a wide var<br >Ic analvtica! methods available to the discipline. All<br >lamly descriptive, ttds study makes use of the insight.,;<br >uious schools of political ainalvsis as and when thcv have :,<br ><cfut. 1 ha~c aimed It~ outiinc the political roics of ~,omen<br >:trticular geographical area ..rod identify a ntnnbcr nt i<br >hich make them comp, rchensibic both to specialist ~tlic<br >~ccialisl readers, i have been unabJe l~ iderttify ()no m,<br >~)litical analysis which faciJitates the achievement of lhal :ii<br >~a result have no particuhir methodological iHsights to ofi~<br >;~pioach is essentially an eclectic ()rio.<br > Allhough the second wave of feminism has broughl in its<br >uiving womcn s sltidics discipline, sources for :-in i,lcluir}<br >ind arc problematic. Data on w omen s political rcprcscl<br >M p:lrticipation are nol systematically kept in many cot<br >nd arc often not available to a foreign resc~+,rchcr when lhc<br ><nd source material t:or the academic stud,,, of thc w(<br >iovcmcnt has also posed diiiicultics. Basically. the acu<br >ivcstigation of a contemporary movement ip, voh, cs the<br >I~SS report.,-;, movelnont documcntalion, imcrviews with f<br > dills and obSCl-vers and Licadolllic aCCOl.illlS o[ {ho.~c. Ii~u<br >I1111Ol. bV its very nature, provide either systematic or conti<br > . tlOW,~tt! { 1<br >)vcr:t~c. The tk)cus of jotT<rr~!lisi:t i!, +,:~11 {he - - <br >)]Iow-u[) tends i.o bc 5 j)orac ic c.>I- lltlFt-OXiStCl~l. :! st"ldr~ul3u<br ><is the effect of.distorting the movement acli,+~ies ap.~i u+,.cn<br >v<mlplc, lcadcrs ullhc Bi itisi~ popular press during 19<~3 :in<br >ntdd h:lv~ h:ld difficnlP~ in a,,.oidim, :m imnrcs.,:ion tt.utt<br >
Women European Politics pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025