The Janson Directive pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
PROLOGUE<br >~; ~ ~7 ,,y ~ <>, 022,A<br > ~ (<br >N. /tldmtl ()cca~l, 250 ttzitcs c~lst o[Sri Lat,k~t<br >Nor t/z u cs! c r t z ,,~ # z z t n t<br > The night was opprcs,<;ivc> the air ;At body toillpci-t!ttlrc ~lr~ct cilluosi n~>-<br > iionlcss, t ]clrlior in lhc evening lhcrc had been light., c~(>li!~g r;lin,<,, !)tit now<br > cvor) thii/g .ccnlcct l(/ i;ldi~itc ]~ic~lt, c. cl~ ttlc sil,,, cr), h,lii--lu~>on, it~ c~.)tlll-<br > tClltlncc l~rushcd u iih the occ~lsion~H ,"~ . ,,><br > ~.isI ~ of~ cloud l ho itin~jc iisolt<br > scorned to cxh~tlc the h<+l-+ nloi+t blc;tth <)l+ a prcdclt~lr I) ing in w+til.<br > Sllvam shiticd rcstlc.<>sl), in his czln,,as chair. It was> tic know, <l fiiirlv<br >ordinary Iligll! lln tllc islclnd of Anurcl for this time of vc~lr: early irl lhc<br >monsoon< cason, the ~lir was ;/Iw~l} s henry with ~l sense ~>f torel~oding. Yet<br >onl the cvcr nitcnli,c mo,<;quitocs ctisttlrl-~cd the quiet. At h~llf p~!st one<br >in ihc IllOiilillg, Sh., t/nl reckoned t-ic h~d 1 con on checkpoint duty t~l titclr<br ><lnd ~l h:llt hours. In that tin]c, precisely seven rnotorists had come their<br >w~l) l hc chcckl,)oint consisted of two parallel lines of l)arl-~cd--wilc<br >lramcs__<<kl~ilc ., >,<br > !csts ---set tip eighty icet ctpart on the road t<) either s ,<br > ~ > . [(JL<br ><>t the ,c<l,ch lind administration area. Sllvctn~ ~illd Aril_lll woro 111~ I~,)<br >sentiits on f~rward all.it).,, cirid thc v s~ii it1 l:ioril ol its,,_" w~)odcil ntadsictc<br >bo<~ih A p~lir oJ I>~lckups w~s stIpt>~,,;ectl), ~,n drily ~>n ti~c other s d,_ ~it chc<br >hill, but the hours of silence fron~ them suggested lhal [l~cv were dozing,<br >along with the men in the makcsl-iitl l)ctrrctc-ks cl few hundred fcct down<br >the iollct, t:or c~ll the dire wcirriings ~,lf their superiors, these had Icon days<br > < ") ~ "1<br >and nights ot: cinrclicvcd borodom. The n(/rihwcsici-n prox iricc ~f Kcnna<br >~s as sparscts, pop~l<~lcd in the I e.sl of l/m~_.s, and tDcsc i, crc riot the best<br >of limes.<br >ns filint ~s ;l distant insect clronc, cimc<br >
The Janson Directive pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025