Moving Beyond Words pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Preface<br >Add Water<br > I was hoping this would bc an easy book. Having taken a long<br >tnnc with the last onc, ReJ,olutionfivm Within, I thought this c~uld<br >bc a collccti(m of alrcadv publishcd articlcs. All I would havc to do<br >was writc a short introduction and a transition or two, and I would<br >have what E. M. Forstcr called "a miscellany of occasional writings"<br >and my contcmporarics rcf~er to as rcfrying the bcans.<br > But morc than a vcar latcr, it has bccomc a book of mostly ncw<br >writing. Thrcc of its six parts appcar hcrc tbr the first time. Thrcc ot<br >them had a sccd, sccdling, or partly grown plant in a prciously<br >published a:ticlc, but they too have acquired ncw prcfaccs along<br >with new idcas and cxamplcs witlfin thcir texts. As a result, cach ()t<br >thcsc six parts has bccomc rarhcr likc a condcnscd book, offcn with<br >its own int.oduction. Since thcrc sccms to bc no gcnrc for this, I ve<br >tbund myself cxplaining it this way: If you added water to any (H<br >these parts, it would bccomc a book.<br > To show you how cach cssav assumcd a litk of its oxvn, the short<br >introduction became <Doing Sixty," which is now thc last part (>t<br >this book. In rctrospcct, I rcalizc it is thc culprit whosc cncrg) fb. ccd<br >mc to dcviatc from my plan. Not only did it takc on a Icngth and<br >mdcpcndcncc that rcfuscd to introduce anything--cxccpt pcrhaps<br >thc filturc---but it kcpt inviting me to return to it l()tag aftcr I<br >thought I had finishcd. Instcad of watching previous statcs of mind<br >jostlc against cach othcr and makc a diffbrcnt kind of scnsc togcthcr,<br >whicla is thc plcasurc of a collcction, I tound this newer statc of mind<br >rcfi~sing to takc a back scat, and insisting on pushing cvcrything clsc<br >a littlc filrthcr. Though somc of this urge came from thc mare vcars<br >I spent more absorbed in activism than writing, which did ~ndccd<br >lcavc mc with an unwrittcn book in cvcrv toc, elbow, and tooth, its<br >contcnt was a practical cxamplc of growing morc radical with age.<br > Though I oncc would have trcatcd Freud s writings as a sccular<br >biblc, in much thc way an atheist dcbatcr might try to impress a<br >
Moving Beyond Words pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025