Sex and the outer planets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
I<br > ~!<br > The Inner Planets<br >Astrologers divide the heavenly bodies of the solar sys-<br > "" ~" "," n arrived at<br >tern into three groups. 2nls cuvls~o was<br >empirically, by observation of lhe apparent effect of the<br >different bodies on human beings and human affairs.<br > The first group is the largest. It includes the Sun and<br >tlle .Moon, which in astrology are known as the Lights.<br >The planets included are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.<br >These five bodies are called the personal planets. Their<br >placement in the Signs of the Zodiac and in the houses<br >of the individual s horoscope describe his innate tem-<br >perament, his feelings about himself and others, and his<br >persona! reactions to the everyday circumstances of his<br >life. These are the planets offree wi11, the ones which<br >oiler us personal choices that we can control. Sinee<br >these inner !~lanets are mainly concerned with our<br >feelings and reactions to the normal, taken-for-granked<br >circumstances of our daily lives, they present us with<br > the opportunity to say, "Yes," "No," or "Maybe." If we<br > J<br > do not use the opportunities they give us to make deci-<br > 8<br >
Sex and the outer planets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025