Understanding American Judaism pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
tHai!FACE<br > In thi~, s,. cor..1 a~d ,.:tm,.:lw_l n,._,. F,~.rt ,~f r.] ~c F,~,.:~cm msth,.~l, ~5.<br >"the iY, lli~il~ll ,cecile." ke colitiI~tic i~.~ ">{lc~,~> {ilt.~ -~ilHl~lo i ~.tc H- c)l of~til~i/~d<br >,hld;ii<qlt ill .lllt llc {t, ~il~ci :g~, ~ ~l/ ![!c~ " II~l{l~)il~ll <,cOlic:." ,~,c c Xtlll lHIt l,!/c<br >" l:ltY~tGIlt. Hl~,, " c .?.., the t~cg c)iiii ~ lovoi~lui/t, " ol lhc f, )~;c ~.llitc:<br >M~)c!mcllt in J tlcl;li~n/"<br > I l)rcl0r l.ht> icll/1 %c ctc)r~ it) :~l.Fe<~s lli ,il Jtici;.lislll ~i ~ Ai~lcrlcLI i~, ;.1<br >~,tlllCttllC . All cleiliciils ~hic:h c.~mstitulc Alllt. fi~~.lll .lud~lisni clcri~c iIc,il/<br >cl:l,~sical, or tt <lhbhlic, Juci~ti,~m. All ~cfcr ~o the ~lcrcd litct~tulc, ihc<br > i~ <~lc~!), llw ,,)llibc~l~, ~!i]ct ic:li~i~ii , ril,; ,, l)i R ,lbbil]ic .lllttCti~,li~,. I lie cti~<br >[ciui~cc,, ;iillon{ ~ ihc ,~c ~ci~ii clci~lciit~, ~rc" ~,tcttccl h~ lcrl~/~, c)i Ir4.~lbbi~lc;<br >.luc[;li~,l~l, ~iHtl <l]~])c ~il l.il !lic :lcitli~)i-i{ ol: " t|ic ~illc. lt<ll{ r~Ibbi<, " ~;h~ll~tc-<br >1~1 ilc S ~lli ~hc ~i ~t~inizcd i~/til~ifc nlillioll~ of .]ild~ii~>lll. Ac c ~lclill~l). ~c; dc;ll<br >+viti~ cxt+ic +~,ioil<> of ,l ~>it~7t~:" i-cli$tic~i ~. ~c,- tol++ ot ot~c tciigioti ~ ti+ldition.<br > It~, bt ,,tllC , ll itlc.ill is made, (~i ll~c diflcrciicc~ but~ucll <>lie ~,ccL~>~<br >;lilcl ;illolhei. Ycl the oi3,,civtH. !d~illditi!. . ~1{ tl~c ~)tll~idc, will als(~ dir~ccrn<br >~t ~i~;lt de;i/ chcir;lc.iciisi.ic ~I: ;~Ii ,,0c-to)i , iH coHliiioi~+ Abo~c ,:ill, ;.l ~,ii~le<br >sc l of qi.10~,litH/~, ;llld ~ ~~lldtlill ol i)l~)~fLilll~, i~, <,tl~tlC(.l ~lllit)ll~ ;ill sc<tt)i~.<br > Vv hilc lhc ~t, pcrlicial chl|oleilcc<, c ~.ti/nol bc i~norcd, l.hc c~Hl/lliot/zi{ilic~<br > ;lls,~ shtmld ilot bc oelh~okcd.<br > lhc cild, il is reall , light. Ihc Orlhodox ~,lalo l~l~tttcr, > baldly: Oitilo-<br > doxv is the sole "qcgitinl~tic oi aulhcntic" cxl)ic~it)il of Jud~lic<br > tl~ltlili~I/ i~{)t~ , iti~t ~l<~ in the l::,a-q. (oii~>ci~iti~,iY~ tc l~ct,, t~ prutt:i~cl il is<br >co cxlcnsivc with the ~holc of Jtid;ti~,l n. As Rabbi Vaxman says. " 11<br > is .ludai~m. " Sl~cakill! - ~>1 calhotic l~r~lul ~lild -,ccin~ itself cl~ ~hc ~ital<br >
Understanding American Judaism pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024