Love and Peace Through Affirmation pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
FOREWORD<br > F, 1v litc was in a mess: hvo broken marriages, the de,<br > ot a ~hild. and , u~ ~tirection. I contemplated suicide: r<br > lift, didnt ~eem worH1 living. A triend toM me about<br > thinking,, [x~i/ive! I thought I a~a> positive, but little d<br > [ realize how ne~ative I really was!<br > !hvn I <ha~kmd. thnv? t~,y attirrning beautiiul positive<br > thoughts, and words to myselt each <tax. . Sure, there<br > ;vure times when the old emotions canoe tlooding in,<br > t,uf I ph~dded on and kent up the aliQrmations. I real-<br > izud ~hat it was I, and o~llv I, who was responsible t:~)r<br > ~, , lib,. That it p,~as i w h~i had to do s~mlething about<br > it Buinv. t,aqcallv a lazx pvrs~m. I lound that there<br > wcrc :}l,Hlv /ifll(!s ] gave tl[L ~)IllV 1o begin a~4ain, l<br > rcalixed lhat >, hen I was attirmirlg t:wautii:ul, loving,<br > p~,qtivu thou~hts and vv(~rds I felt ,~mod about mvselt-<br > and all around me.<br > I b,i~, ha~, led me tc, a more rewarding lite, newhmnd<br > conliden~e, and a feeling ot security and peace, Throug]<br > my {hanneling, my clairw~yance, and the personal<br > development ~v(~.,kq~,ps I run, 1 have sha~ed ahirmation:<br > with other>. 1 tirmlv believe this has helped me. The<br > t~: udback trom these peopk~ has always been very positive<br >Xmv I have been prompted to write this book and<br >s}lare with you the harmony, peace, prosperity, and<br >Jove that attirmations havebrought into mv life, in the<br >kl-!;,pcI{:dgc that you, t{}o. can experience th~,m. The<br >beautiful part about aJ] ~i thi~, is it d()esn [ matter wha{<br >,tge we aFe: i{ i~-; ut) {t~ LIs ~() cTeate chaN~,es l-or Ollr-<br >~,,.qvc~.. A,~thn-:ations can help us achieve this.<br >
Love and Peace Through Affirmation pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025