Haywire pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The was born into the most enviable of
circumstances--one of the three beautiful chil-
dren of charming, successful, beloved parents
living at the very center of the most glittering
life America had to offer. Who could have
ilnagined that this magical life would shatter,
so conclusively, so destructively?
In Haywire, the daughter of Leland Hay-
ward and Margaret Sullavan tells the story of
her extraordinary family: the aura of glamour
and extreme privilege that surrounded her
growing up--beauty, talent, money, grace, joy,
all in seemingly infinite supply--and the care-
lessness and emotional extravagance that were
all the while invisibly at work. Until, inevitably,
there were destroyed marriages, mental break-
down, tragic death; parents and children alike
crippled in crucial, Sometimes fatal ways.
Leland Hayward: he was the most color-
ful and dynamic of theatrical agents, "the Tos-
canini of the telcphone," making deals day and
night for his clicnts: Garbo, Hemingway, Judy
Garland, Billy Wildcr, Gregory Peck, Boris
Karloff, Lillian Hcl man, Dashiell Hammett,
Fred Astaire He was elegant, flamboyant,
magnetic--with a warm, uncomplicated zest
for a life charged with success and style.
Margaret Sullavan: she was a truc star of
both Hollywood and Broadway; a Superb ac-
tress; a spell-casting charmer, beautiful and
spirited. "If ever I ve known Someone who was
unique, itwas Maggie,"said Henry Fonda (they
married as kids, got unmarried, almost remar-
ried, raised their familics as Best Friends). She
loathed Hollywood and bungercd for simplic-
ity. Most of all, she was dctermined to bring up
her childrcn properly, private/y; she knew what
was right-for them, for Leland, for anyone
who Came uuder her spell.
And the children: attractive, intelligent,
adored; themselves iu thrall to the romance of
Haywire pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025