On Ugliness pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This book is the follow up to the previous volume On Beauty. Apparently beauty and ugliness are concepts that imply each other, and by ugliness we usually mean the opposite of beauty, so all we need do is define the first to understand the nature of the second. But the various manifestations of ugliness over the centuries are richer and more unpredictable than is commonly thought. The anthological quotations and the extraordinary illustrations in this book lead us on a surprising journey among the nightmares, terrors, and loves of almost three thousand years, where acts of rejection go hand in hand with touching gestures of compassion, and the rejection of deformity is accompanied by decadent ecstasies over the most seductive violations of all classical canons. Among demons, madmen, horrible enemies, and disquieting presences, among horrid abysses and deformities that verge on the sublime, among freaks and the living dead, we discover a vast and often unsuspected iconographic vein. So much so that, on gradually encountering in these pages the ugliness of nature, spiritual ugliness, asymmetry, disharmony, disfigurement, and the succession of things sordid, weak, vile, banal, random, arbitrary, coarse, repugnant, clumsy, horrendous, vacuous, nauseating, criminal, spectral, witchlike, satanic, repellent, disgusting, unpleasant, grotesque, abominable, odious, crude, foul, dirty, obscene, frightening, abject, monstrous, hair-raising, ugly, terrible, terrifying, revolting, repulsive, loathsome, fetid, ignoble, awkward, ghastly and indecent, the first foreign publisher to see this book exclaimed: ‘How beautiful ugliness is!’
翁贝托•艾柯(Umberto Eco),意大利人,生于1932年,现居米兰,执教于博洛尼亚大学。他是享誉国际的小说家、符号语言学权威、哲学家、历史学家、文学评论家和美学家,出版过140多部著作,横跨多个领域,都有经典性的建树,是百科全书式的学者,被誉为“当代达·芬奇”。作为全球最具影响力的公共知识分子,他在欧洲已成为知识和教养的象征,知识分子都以书架上放一本艾柯的书为荣。简体中文版艾柯作品:http://book.douban.com/doulist/26197/
评分丑有很多种,因为丑而“自挂东南枝”的人却很少,“东施效颦而可厌,无盐刻画以难堪,此女之丑者。”东施虽丑,却冥冥中保了命。 曹雪芹有诗言:“一代倾城逐浪花,吴宫空自忆儿家。效颦莫笑东村女,头白西边尚浣纱。” 王昭君很美,因为不肯花钱给宫廷画师毛延寿P图,结果画了...
评分美有标准,但丑的形式却是无穷无尽。继《美的历史》后,翁贝托•艾柯(Umberto Ec)大师又一部震惊全球的巨作,《丑的历史》谈的丑不再是美的附属品,而是恢弘地呈现“全面的丑”。 人们对于“美”会自然而然的产生倾慕,并提出了许多理论替美下意义,对于丑的事物,却由心中...
评分看完挺震撼,除去政治因素,整个东方文化也总是露美遮丑,像我这样的85后接触到的历史文化其实是剥去了很多原汁原味的进化细节,被新的审美观重包过的。确实需要从内心把丑作为美不可分割的一部分来接纳。 我第一次见到此书是在机场候机厅,很吸引我,但价格太贵。...
评分On Ugliness pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025