图书标签: 推理 经典 约翰·狄克森·卡尔 法庭推理 密室 卡尔三大经典 亨利·梅利维尔爵士 不可能犯罪
The Judas Window pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Only young James Answell could have committed the murder. After all, he was found unconscious in the locked room next to the body of the murdered man. His clothes were disheveled from an apparent struggle. The whiskey decanter containing the liquor he said was used to knock him out was full to the brim. All the glasses on the table were clean. His fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, an arrow from the victim’s collection. Furthermore, he was heard arguing with the dead man, whose daughter he wished to marry. Just about everyone is convinced that James is headed for a date with the hangman.
Everyone except Sir Henry Merrivale, H.M. to his friends and associates. He’s convinced that the real murderer used a “Judas window” to commit the crime. Pay no attention to the architects who designed the building, H.M. insists. In fact, he says, you’ll find a Judas window in practically every room. “The trouble is that so few people ever notice it.”
First published in 1938, The Judas Window is considered by many to be the best locked room mystery of all time. Carter Dickson is, of course, the pseudonym of John Dickson Carr, the universally acknowledged grand master of the form.
评分08年还没出中文版的时候就在美国亚马逊买了,一直没看,昨晚在壁橱里翻出来了。所谓的神作也就那么回事吧。卡尔写东西太墨迹,头一次看一本书看到想吐,法庭辩论不是该简洁利落点吗,HM的废话各种往复循环,看得我数次崩溃。这么多年总算知道犹大之窗是什么鬼了,谈不上震撼,key word一出来瞬间就明白怎么回事了。。。
评分08年还没出中文版的时候就在美国亚马逊买了,一直没看,昨晚在壁橱里翻出来了。所谓的神作也就那么回事吧。卡尔写东西太墨迹,头一次看一本书看到想吐,法庭辩论不是该简洁利落点吗,HM的废话各种往复循环,看得我数次崩溃。这么多年总算知道犹大之窗是什么鬼了,谈不上震撼,key word一出来瞬间就明白怎么回事了。。。
文/舒念 我想,密室推理对于推理迷的巨大魅力,不仅在于其“不可能犯罪”的性质,更重要的是阅读侦探抽丝剥茧,打破不可能的过程,用证据与逻辑推理出一番不可能之中的可能,打破一场完美犯罪,完成一次完美推理。 化不可能为可能,甚至化不可能为必然,这才是推理的乐趣。推理...
评分这本书买了很久,才断断续续的看完,对于古典推理还是那种感觉,不是非要人一口气把它看完不可。 书中附赠的那个案发现场图真的很劣质,而且和书中内容一点关联也没有,作为书签又太大太薄,送了还不如不送,不知道出版商怎么想的。 下面说说书的内容: 1、首先人物名字的问...
评分--------------------慎入------------------------------------- --------------------慎入------------------------------------- --------------------慎入------------------------------------- --------------------慎入------------------------------------- ---------...
评分简单来说,犹大之窗就是我心目中的理想密室推理小说。 密室,就是一个无法出入的房间,又有人横尸于此。而《犹大之窗》的迷局就是密室,而密室的解答也颇为纯粹,即便别的布局,别的前提条件再混乱(其实一点也不混乱)繁杂也与这个密室无关。只是单纯的通过一种...
评分先来吐槽一下这个翻译,真的是太啰嗦,太乏味了,看着各种英文语法写出来的中文真的是浑身不舒服。举例: 你到普瑞德街上的圣普瑞德医院去的时候,你就会知道,或者即使不知道也会有人告诉你,你一定会经过帕丁顿车站,箱子可以放在行李寄存处。这是无可避免的,孩子们,一定是...
The Judas Window pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025