图书标签: 日本 长岛有里枝 艺术 摄影集 摄影画册 摄影 影集 「長島有里枝」
SWISS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
2007年にスイス エスタバイエ・ル・ラックにあったVillage Nomadeのレジデンシープログラムに参加した際に撮影した写真と日記によって構成。
これらの写真は、長島の亡くなった祖父の家から見つかった、25年ほど前に祖母が撮影し、箱に大切にしまっておいた花の写真にインスパイアされたもので、Village Nomadeの敷地内の草花や、部屋の光景、伴っていた息子などが写されている。
(3rd WEEK DAY6 2007.08.11より)
スイスの澄んだ空気の中で生まれた写真と言葉をそのまま束ねたスクラップブックのように、写真ページ、テキストページ、クラフトペーパーがランダムに綴じられ、 航空券のしおりやメモ書きも挟み込まれる。そして、手にとるひと、それぞれの思いとリンクするように、表紙は20色もの布で覆われた。 「SWISS」は、アーティスト長島有里枝の核心を静謐にひらく、新しい一冊である。
"No matter how grand the vision, when a person thinks of something the image that he sees is no more than the trifling and ordinary scene that he is so accustomed to--as one's bedroom." From the artist's statement accompanying the exhibition of SWISS+ In 2007, Nagashima participated in an artists residence program in the Village Nomade of Switzerland and the photographs she made at that time are reproduced in this volume, which are of flowers along with views of her residence and her son. The images were inspired by a set of flower photographs she found in a box of her recently deceased grandfather's home. The photographs in that box were made by her grandmother twenty-five years prior. Nagashima's work is characterized by her documentation of her family. Through the pictures of flowers and her diaristic entries, she has found a new means of creating a document of her family despite the separation of time and distance. Wedged into the pages randomly--not unlike a scrapbook-- are airline tickets, memos, and blank sheets of craft paper. The sense of shuffle and easy re-ordering dispenses with linear narrative in favor of an accidental, open-ended reading. This makes the book's art direction and design are integral components of the project, blending together visual and text elements with found matter. Her diary-style entires are printed on tracing paper and seem to be typed out with a typewriter with keys out of register. The deliberate slowness of the book's aesthetic is the vehicle for presenting the photography.
1973 東京都生まれ
1993 Tokyo Urbanart #2展 パルコ賞受賞
1995 武蔵野美術大学視覚伝達デザイン学科卒業
1999 California Institute of the Arts, USA, Master of Fine Arts修了
2001 第26回木村伊兵衛写真賞 受賞
SWISS pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025