图书标签: 外国文学 生活 英文原版 看这类书,如果太关注他的广告价值,那就失去了乐趣了 成长修炼 人生 save my
How Starbucks Saved My Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A candid, moving and inspirational memoir about a high-flying business man who is forced to re-evaluate his life and values when he suddenly loses everything and goes to work in Starbucks. Michael Gill had it made. He was educated, wealthy and well-connected. He had a creative and lucrative advertising job, which he loved and which he was good at, and a model family and home life. Then he loses it all. He is fired by a young exec whom he had mentored. He has an extramarital affair that destroys his family and results in a newborn son. Then he is diagnosed with brain cancer. He has no insurance, no income. One day he wanders into Starbucks and by chance signs up for a job interview. His would-be boss is a young black woman who gives him a job, and sets about training him and mentoring him. What follows is an inspirational eye-opener as Gill experiences a whole new world compared to his former life -- with people from completely different ethnic and social backgrounds. 'How Starbucks Saved My Life' follows Gill's journey of discovery as gradually he is forced to question his ingrained assumptions, prejudices and habits.Gill emerges from his fall from grace with humility and gratitude. His new-found empathy teaches him how anyone who has lost their way, or made a mistake, can start again.
迈克尔•盖茨•吉尔生于康乃狄克州,为《纽约客》杂志知名作家布兰登•基尔(Brendan Gill)之子。耶鲁大学毕业后,进入华特汤普森广告公司工作二十年之久,并晋升为创意总监、副总裁,最后竟遭裁员解职。之后他创业不成,又陷入家庭、经济和健康的多重威胁,在六十几岁的年纪陷入人生谷底。在偶然的机会下,他获得了星巴克店员的工作,而得以进入这深具魅力的国际性企业,一探其运作奥秘与文化,而他也在这里重新学习人生的功课、感受温暖坚实的情谊,并且将这段戏剧化的遭遇写成本书,与读者分享。目前他居住在纽约,每天都走路到离家不远的星巴克咖啡店上班,而且目前还没有任何退休计划,要继续投入这个他认为一生中最精彩、最美好的工作。
评分Borrowed from Maegan, quite an easy read. meaning in life leads to happiness.
评分前辈推荐的书 有时间再重读一次好了
评分我没有去想这本书是不是为了给星巴克打广告。 迈克尔的这份工作是一个非裔女子给他的,在这之前,养尊处优的他不会想到这样的事会发生在自己身上,可能在他眼里,美国社会里白人永远处在给予的位置上。 写这篇书评时,我突然想到了另外一本书,米勒的《推销员之死》。迈克尔在...
评分所谓的共鸣吧, 没迈克年纪大,不如他那么成功过. 但是我却有着同样的现实, 敢恩每件小得,不去计较小失.能让人更开心一些. 共鸣就这样产生,休息的下午,读完这本书,感觉不错. 虽然我从来没去过星巴克.
评分 评分Michael 从一个成功的白领,每天喝着latte到事业家庭破裂变成一个给人端Latte的服务员已经是中国的花甲之年了。 他竟然觉得活了一辈子,在他最落魄的时候才真正感悟到人生的幸福。这让我吃了一惊。我身边60岁的老人都是手颤拄拐轮椅的形象,他们一坐就是一...
How Starbucks Saved My Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025