图书标签: 医学 英文原版 自传 科普 英国 传记 纪实 故事
Fragile Lives pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
An incredible memoir from one of the world’s most eminent heart surgeons and some of the most remarkable and poignant cases he’s worked on.
Grim Reaper sits on the heart surgeon’s shoulder. A slip of the hand and life ebbs away.
The balance between life and death is so delicate, and the heart surgeon walks that rope between the two. In the operating room there is no time for doubt. It is flesh, blood, rib-retractors and pumping the vital organ with your bare hand to squeeze the life back into it. An off-day can have dire consequences – this job has a steep learning curve, and the cost is measured in human life. Cardiac surgery is not for the faint of heart.
Professor Stephen Westaby took chances and pushed the boundaries of heart surgery. He saved hundreds of lives over the course of a thirty-five year career and now, in his astounding memoir, Westaby details some of his most remarkable and poignant cases – such as the baby who had suffered multiple heart attacks by six months old, a woman who lived the nightmare of locked-in syndrome, and a man whose life was powered by a battery for eight years.
A powerful, important and incredibly moving book, Fragile Lives offers an exceptional insight into the exhilarating and sometimes tragic world of heart surgery, and how it feels to hold someone’s life in your hands.
Steve Westaby is a celebrated world-famous heart surgeon who is renowned for being the first surgeon in history to fit a patient with a new type of artificial heart. During his 35-year career as a surgeon he worked at several of the UK’s top hospitals and performed over 11,000 heart operations. He won the Ray C. Fish Award for Scientific Achievement (2004). In 2004 Steve Westaby was featured in the BBC documentary Your Life in Their Hands, which is a long-running series on the subject of surgery.
评分和好多小伙伴一样,看完Henry Marsh那本脑外之后来Stephen Westaby这边看心外。之前想看的Under the Knife就是他的新作。顶级外科医生们退休后转行科普类畅销书作者,人生也是很完满了。
评分Audible听完。可能是英式发音+专有名词不少,听的过程总走神。但认真听的部分,都觉可以拍成美剧了。果然人生如戏。医生足够坦诚,幽默,历史正是要感谢他这样的人,推动着技术进步帮助生命存续,而反过来,有时候,生存还是死亡,这真是个遇上什么医生的问题…. 印象特别深的,一是那个反复多次得心脏肿瘤的姑娘- 其实整本书都让我觉得,人类比想象的更坚强, 二是那个纪录片对象用仪器帮助心脏,但后来忘了换电池的 - 依附于机器或外部条件,确实总有危险,还有那个某exotic国家女子没挽回自己孩子的 - 真是灾难中深刻的苦。
评分跟神外那本Do No Harm比, 这本书的调调不那么elegant, 内容更侧重于手术而不像Do No Harm那样更哲学考虑终极关怀更多一些; 这本书主要案例都是作者自己在心脏手术方面的innovation的例(如人工心脏), 神外那本例子感觉更寻常, 手术也更calm.
评分和好多小伙伴一样,看完Henry Marsh那本脑外之后来Stephen Westaby这边看心外。之前想看的Under the Knife就是他的新作。顶级外科医生们退休后转行科普类畅销书作者,人生也是很完满了。
看理想老友计划赠送的书,物超所值。韦斯塔比医生不仅有高超的医术,文笔也不错。跌宕起伏惊心动魄的故事里掺进一两句玩笑,读起来非常受用。上一次读心外科的人文书籍是李清晨连载的心外传奇。 作为一个心外科医生,失败的手术肯定是多数的,但读者需要英雄,需要振奋人心的成...
评分 评分我日常喜爱读小说,热衷于在创作者的笔下领略起承转合,挖掘伏笔铺排,赞叹绝地反击。虽然也为不少角色的生死揪心,但大体是知道走向,有个预期的。 拿到《打开一颗心》的时候,也有类似的预期。虽说是非虚构,但总是习惯性的视为“故事”。要给我讲医学史上的故事对不对,人类...
评分8.5分。 很奇怪,离开医生这个行业以后,又开始喜欢看医学类的书籍。想了一下,大概是因为,越是看到人类在疾病面前的苦痛、挣扎、希望、绝望,就能越深入地探测到医生内心那些犹疑、偏执、茫然、和冰冷的自我否定,我就会越加肯定自己多年以前的选择,正如这位伟大的心脏外科...
Fragile Lives pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025