图书标签: 数学 微积分 Calculus
Thomas' Calculus pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Thomas’ Calculus, Thirteenth Edition, introduces readers to the intrinsic beauty of calculus and the power of its applications. For more than half a century, this text has been revered for its clear and precise explanations, thoughtfully chosen examples, superior figures, and time-tested exercise sets. With this new edition, the exercises were refined, updated, and expanded–always with the goal of developing technical competence while furthering readers’ appreciation of the subject. Co-authors Hass and Weir have made it their passion to improve the text in keeping with the shifts in both the preparation and ambitions of today's learners.
Joel Hass received his PhD from the University of California—Berkeley. He is currently a professor of mathematics at the University of California—Davis. He has coauthored six widely used calculus texts as well as two calculus study guides. He is currently on the editorial board of Geometriae Dedicata and Media-Enhanced Mathematics. He has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University and of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, and he was a Sloan Research Fellow. Hass’s current areas of research include the geometry of proteins, three dimensional manifolds, applied math, and computational complexity. In his free time, Hass enjoys kayaking.
Maurice D. Weir holds a DA and MS from Carnegie-Mellon University and received his BS at Whitman College. He is a Professor Emeritus of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Weir enjoys teaching Mathematical Modeling and Differential Equations. His current areas of research include modeling and simulation as well as mathematics education. Weir has been awarded the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, the Superior Civilian Service Award, and the Schieffelin Award for Excellence in Teaching. He has coauthored eight books, including the University Calculus series and the twelfth edition of Thomas’ Calculus.
George B. Thomas, Jr. (late) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was a professor of mathematics for thirty-eight years; he served as the executive officer of the department for ten years and as graduate registration officer for five years. Thomas held a spot on the board of governors of the Mathematical Association of America and on the executive committee of the mathematics division of the American Society for Engineering Education. His book, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, was first published in 1951 and has since gone through multiple revisions. The text is now in its twelfth edition and continues to guide students through their calculus courses. He also co-authored monographs on mathematics, including the text Probability and Statistics.
建议大家都多读一点理工科类的书,比起只读文科类的书可以更加开阔视野,也让自己可以多一点视角。 这本书很好,对微积分的讲解深入浅出,很值得一读,作为入门类书籍,既不会让人望而生畏,也不会让人索然无味,很难得的数学书呢~
评分1686年,我们的康乾盛世才开端,而大洋彼岸的不列颠,大科学家牛顿爵爷的成名著作[《自然哲学之数学原理》]已经写成。 牛顿爵爷在这本书中使用了微积分的基本技巧与原理来处理各种物理学的经典问题。 上世纪五十年代,英国科学家詹姆斯-沃森、佛朗西斯-克里克与莫里斯-威尔金斯...
评分好书,很讲究数形结合,初学者好理解。 还有空间向量,好像国内讲的不多。尤其是当时高中看到证明开普勒三定律,震惊了。 前面偏简单,后面越来越难,最后的向量场至今还是不太理解。 有些东西讲法和国内很不同,比如极限的引入,国内都是先讲数列,它是直接上函数。另外对数那...
评分与我们在大学里面的用的高等数学、数学分析等教材相比,托马斯微积分更加注重why。国产的教科书大都是what型的,比如同济版下册的关于曲面积分的讲述,完全让人搞不懂怎么来的。。。 唉,后悔当时在学校的时候太听老师话了:把这个公式背住了!考试没有问题!。会背有个p用...
评分建议大家都多读一点理工科类的书,比起只读文科类的书可以更加开阔视野,也让自己可以多一点视角。 这本书很好,对微积分的讲解深入浅出,很值得一读,作为入门类书籍,既不会让人望而生畏,也不会让人索然无味,很难得的数学书呢~
Thomas' Calculus pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025