List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
Table of Contents
About this book
About the author
About the cover illustration
第一部分 Meet React
Ch 1. Meet React
1.1. Meet React
1.1.1. Who this book is for
1.1.2. A note on tooling
1.1.3. Who uses React?
1.2. What does React not do?
1.2.1. Tradeoffs of React
1.3. The virtual DOM
1.3.1. The DOM
1.3.2. The virtual DOM
1.3.3. Updates and diffing
1.3.4. Virtual DOM: Need for speed?
1.4. Components: The fundamental unit of React
1.4.1. Components in general
1.4.2. Components in React: Encapsulated and reusable
1.5. React for teams
1.6. Summary
Ch 2. <Hello World />: our first component
2.1. Introducing React components
2.1.1. Understanding the application data
2.1.2. Multiple components: Composition and parent-child relationships
2.1.3. Establishing component relationships
2.2. Creating components in React
2.2.1. Creating React elements
2.2.2. Rendering your first component
2.2.3. Creating React components
2.2.4. Creating React classes
2.2.5. The render method
2.2.6. Property validation via PropTypes
2.3. The life and times of a component
2.3.1. A React state of mind
2.3.2. Setting initial state
2.4. Meet JSX
2.4.1. Creating components using JSX
2.4.2. Benefits of JSX and differences from HTML
2.5. Summary
第二部分 Components and data in React
Ch 3. Data and data flow in React
3.1. Introducing state
3.1.1. What is state?
3.1.2. Mutable and immutable state
3.2. State in React
3.2.1. Mutable state in React: Component state
3.2.2. Immutable state in React: Props
3.2.3. Working with props: PropTypes and default props
3.2.4. Stateless functional components
3.3. Component communication
3.4. One-way data flow
3.5. Summary
Ch 4. Rendering and lifecycle methods in React
4.1. Getting set up with the Letters Social repo
4.1.1. Getting the source code
4.1.2. Which version of node should I use?
4.1.3. Note on tooling and CSS
4.1.4. Deploying
4.1.5. The API server and database
4.1.6. Running the app
4.2. The render process and lifecycle methods
4.2.1. Introducing lifecycle methods
4.2.2. Types of lifecycle methods
4.2.3. Initial and “will” methods
4.2.4. Mounting components
4.2.5. Updating methods
4.2.6. Unmounting methods
4.2.7. Catching errors
4.3. Starting to create Letters Social
4.4. Summary
Ch 5. Working with forms in React
5.1. Creating posts in Letters Social
5.1.1. Data requirements
5.1.2. Component overview and hierarchy
5.2. Forms in React
5.2.1. Getting started with forms
5.2.2. Form elements and events
5.2.3. Updating state in forms
5.2.4. Controlled and uncontrolled components
5.2.5. Form validation and sanitization
5.3. Creating new posts
5.4. Summary
Ch 6. Integrating third-party libraries with React
6.1. Sending posts to the Letters Social API
6.2. Enhancing your component with maps
6.2.1. Creating the DisplayMap component using refs
6.2.2. Creating the LocationTypeAhead component
6.2.3. Updating CreatePost and adding maps to posts
6.3. Summary
Ch 7. Routing in React
7.1. What is routing?
7.1.1. Routing in modern front-end web applications
7.2. Creating a router
7.2.1. Component routing
7.2.2. Creating the <Route /> component
7.2.3. Starting to build the <Router/> component
7.2.4. Matching URL paths and parameterized routing
7.2.5. Adding routes to the Router component
7.3. Summary
Ch 8. More routing and integrating Firebase
8.1. Using the router
8.1.1. Creating a page for a post
8.1.2. Creating a <Link/> component
8.1.3. Creating a <NotFound/> component
8.2. Integrating Firebase
8.2.1. Ensuring a user is logged in
8.3. Summary
Ch 9. Testing React componentsfree
9.1. Types of testing
9.1.1. Why test?
9.2. Testing React components with Jest, Enzyme, and React-test-renderer
9.3. Writing your first tests
9.3.1. Getting started with Jest
9.3.2. Testing a stateless functional component
9.3.3. Testing the CreatePost component without Enzyme
9.3.4. Test coverage
9.4. Summary
第三部分 React Application architecture
Ch 10. Redux application architecture
10.1. The Flux application architecture
10.1.1. Meet Redux: A variation on Flux
10.1.2. Getting set up for Redux
10.2. Creating actions in Redux
10.2.1. Defining action types
10.2.2. Creating actions in Redux
10.2.3. Creating the Redux store and dispatching actions
10.2.4. Asynchronous actions and middleware
10.2.5. To Redux or not to Redux?
10.2.6. Testing actions
10.2.7. Creating custom Redux middleware for crash reporting
10.3. Summary
Ch 11. More Redux and integrating Redux with React
11.1. Reducers determine how state should change
11.1.1. State shape and initial state
11.1.2. Setting up reducers to respond to incoming action
11.1.3. Combining reducers together in our store
11.1.4. Testing reducers
11.2. Bringing React and Redux together
11.2.1. Containers vs. presentational components
11.2.2. Using <Provider /> to connect components to the Redux store
11.2.3. Binding actions to component event handlers
11.2.4. Updating your tests
11.3. Summary
Ch 12. React on the server and integrating React Router
12.1. What is server-side rendering?
12.1.1. Digging into server-side rendering
12.2. Why render on the server?
12.3. You might not need SSR
12.4. Rendering components on the server
12.5. Switching to React Router
12.5.1. Setting up React router
12.6. Handling authenticated routes with React router
12.7. Server rendering with data-fetching
12.8. Summary
Ch 13. An introduction to React Native
13.1. Introducing React Native
13.2. React and React Native
13.3. When to use React Native
13.4. The simplest “Hello World”
13.5. Where to go next
13.6. Summary
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