Middlesex pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A dazzling triumph from the bestselling author of "The Virgin Suicides"--the astonishing tale of a gene that passes down through three generations of a Greek-American family and flowers in the body of a teenage girl. In the spring of 1974, Calliope Stephanides, a student at a girls' school in Grosse Pointe, finds herself drawn to a chain-smoking, strawberry blond clasmate with a gift for acting. The passion that furtively develops between them--along with Callie's failure to develop--leads Callie to suspect that she is not like other girls. In fact, she is not really a girl at all. The explanation for this shocking state of affairs takes us out of suburbia- back before the Detroit race riots of 1967, before the rise of the Motor City and Prohibition, to 1922, when the Turks sacked Smyrna and Callie's grandparents fled for their lives. Back to a tiny village in Asia Minor where two lovers, and one rare genetic mutation, set in motion the metamorphosis that will turn Callie into a being both mythical and perfectly real: a hermaphrodite. Spanning eight decades--and one unusually awkward adolescence- Jeffrey Eugenides's long-awaited second novel is a grand, utterly original fable of crossed bloodlines, the intricacies of gender, and the deep, untidy promptings of desire. It marks the fulfillment of a huge talent, named one of America's best young novelists by both "Granta "and "The New Yorker."
刚拿到这书时,被吓一跳。怎么这么厚?! 接下来的一个礼拜,差点脱肛---- 那段时间正巧是最忙的时候,只有上厕所的时间可以快快地读。就算有着一目十行的功夫,仍然花了整整一个礼拜,早晚各一,另外偷偷在周日,躺在沙发上猛攻了最后的一部分。 大约是刚刚不久前去过希腊雅...
评分for 上海壹周 “一个真正的希腊人可以在这种悲剧的调子里了结一生。但是一个美国人总喜欢保持乐观的态度。”(P619) 厚达645页的《中性》是一部悲喜交集的家庭史诗,小说以一位两性人为线索,讲述了美国一个希腊移民家庭三代人的故事。 “我出生过两次。”小说开门见山地写道...
评分“世界上只有两种人,男人和女人,我既是男人又是女人,那么还有什么是我所不知道的?”这是我为《中性》的主人公卡利俄珀杜撰的一句台词。 在小说题目和内容的关系日渐遥远的现在,我们有幸一望即知这部厚重的2003年普利策获奖作品将给我们提供怎样的人物。卡利俄珀的祖...
评分《朦胧的欲望》—— 一段发生在夏天的故事,作者是尤金尼德——写《中性》的那个作家。两部作品有非常类似的主人公,而这一次又是两个女孩。 薄薄的一本短篇集,没想到看了整整一个星期。有些书适合快看,比如金庸,一个晚上可以翻厚厚的四本,起来喝上一大杯冰镇酶汁,超爽。...
Middlesex pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025