图书标签: 钱币学 经济史 古希腊 西洋古代 西方古典学 希腊化时代 希腊化 古罗马
The Hellenistic World pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Coinage is one of our key sources for the rich and fascinating history of the Hellenistic world (323-31 BC). This book provides students of the period with an up-to-date introduction to Hellenistic gold, silver, and bronze coins in their cultural and economic contexts. It also offers new perspectives on four major themes in contemporary Hellenistic history: globalization, identity, political economy and ideology. With more than 250 illustrations, and written in a lucid and accessible style, this book sheds new light on the diverse and multicultural societies of the Hellenistic world, from Alexander to Augustus. The author assumes no prior knowledge of Hellenistic history, and all Greek and Latin texts are translated throughout.
Peter Thonemann is Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at Wadham College, University of Oxford. His first sole-authored monograph, The Meander Valley (Cambridge 2011), was awarded the prestigious Ranchman Prize in 2012. More recently, he has published a large corpus of inscriptions from Roman Asia Minor (Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI: Monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia, 2013) and has edited two collections of essays on the history of Asia Minor in antiquity (Attalid Asia Minor, 2013 and Roman Phrygia, Cambridge 2013).
视野宏大的钱币证史研究,抓住“Globalisation”、“Identity”、“Political Economy”和“Ideology”四个主题,通过铸币的形制、流通管窥经济史和认同问题。对过往学者一些立论过强的部分加以指正。第一部分构建“钱币的希腊化世界”总让人有种影射欧元区的赶脚;Identity一章中利用各小亚细亚城市铸币重量和图像变化,探讨Civic和Collective的double identities很精彩。财政史部分是绝对的亮点,先将古代铸币定为“战时凯恩斯主义”,然后对开放和封闭货币系统、铸币和铜币问题进行了很有现代色彩的讨论[在谈到koine解体时颇有预言欧元药丸节奏]。最后进入政治观念的讨论,说话有点跳跃。例证丰富,图片极多不过画质堪忧QAQ力荐!
评分“using coins as sources—可以辅助globalization, identity, political economy and ideology方面的研究。” 每个主题都很清晰好懂。虽说于个人兴趣来说,最关注的currency system那里并没有多关联到economic history上去,可以说是浅尝辄止,但非常有启发性,尤其是bibliography中很多最近的文献。除此之外楼上已经说得很全面了,悄悄地感谢一下友邻荐书!
评分“using coins as sources—可以辅助globalization, identity, political economy and ideology方面的研究。” 每个主题都很清晰好懂。虽说于个人兴趣来说,最关注的currency system那里并没有多关联到economic history上去,可以说是浅尝辄止,但非常有启发性,尤其是bibliography中很多最近的文献。除此之外楼上已经说得很全面了,悄悄地感谢一下友邻荐书!
评分“using coins as sources—可以辅助globalization, identity, political economy and ideology方面的研究。” 每个主题都很清晰好懂。虽说于个人兴趣来说,最关注的currency system那里并没有多关联到economic history上去,可以说是浅尝辄止,但非常有启发性,尤其是bibliography中很多最近的文献。除此之外楼上已经说得很全面了,悄悄地感谢一下友邻荐书!
评分视野宏大的钱币证史研究,抓住“Globalisation”、“Identity”、“Political Economy”和“Ideology”四个主题,通过铸币的形制、流通管窥经济史和认同问题。对过往学者一些立论过强的部分加以指正。第一部分构建“钱币的希腊化世界”总让人有种影射欧元区的赶脚;Identity一章中利用各小亚细亚城市铸币重量和图像变化,探讨Civic和Collective的double identities很精彩。财政史部分是绝对的亮点,先将古代铸币定为“战时凯恩斯主义”,然后对开放和封闭货币系统、铸币和铜币问题进行了很有现代色彩的讨论[在谈到koine解体时颇有预言欧元药丸节奏]。最后进入政治观念的讨论,说话有点跳跃。例证丰富,图片极多不过画质堪忧QAQ力荐!
The Hellenistic World pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025