图书标签: 共享经济 没事读读 Journalism
What's Yours Is Mine pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The news is full of their names, supposedly the vanguard of a rethinking of capitalism. Lyft, Airbnb, Taskrabbit, Uber, and many more companies have a mandate of disruption and upending the "old order"-and they've succeeded in effecting the "biggest change in the American workforce in over a century," according to former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. But this new wave of technology companies is funded and steered by very old-school venture capitalists. And in What's Yours Is Mine, technologist Tom Slee argues the so-called sharing economy damages development, extends harsh free-market practices into previously protected areas of our lives, and presents the opportunity for a few people to make fortunes by damaging communities and pushing vulnerable individuals to take on unsustainable risk. Drawing on original empirical research, Slee shows that the friendly language of sharing, trust, and community masks a darker reality.
Tom Slee is a writer, researcher, activist, and software professional. He lives in Waterloo, Ontario.
虽然有些生气的作者显得不够理性,但是如果我之前读过这本书,我不会把sharing economy这个含义尚不明确的词放在我的论文题目里。
最近共享单车火的一塌糊涂,小橙车、小黄车、小蓝车、小绿车、小白车,对于这一现象,豆瓣网友戏称道“留给创业公司的颜色已经不多了”。 共享经济似乎成为不可阻挡的趋势,在方方面面改变着我们的生活。这本《共享经济没有告诉你的事》,从调查结果与实际体验出发,对共享经济...
评分 评分随着2016年滴滴和优步“大战”的升级,让许多吃瓜群众都了解了“共享经济”这一名词。它以盘活社会上的闲置资源为目的,继而用丰厚的补贴来邀请更多的私家车主成为顺风车的承载工具。当我们还在好奇哪家的补贴会翻倍时,2016年8月1日, 滴滴出行宣布与Uber全球达成战略协议,滴...
评分文/Sofia 本文首发于作者微信公众号:[岁月无声却有恒 ] PS. 去读一本与自己观点不同的书,其目的不是为了批判,而是吸收。世间万物,相辅相成。除己之外的任何他人,都是自己的一面镜子,照见自己的优点,却也反射自己的不足。从镜子中学习,不仅扬长,亦可完善短,形成一个良...
What's Yours Is Mine pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025