图书标签: 马克思 社会学 德国 经济学 哲学 Prometheus
The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the Communist Manifesto pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Communism as a political movement attained global importance after the Bolsheviks toppled the Russian Czar in 1917. After that time the works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, especially the influential "Communist Manifesto (1848)", enjoyed an international audience. The world was to learn a new political vocabulary peppered with 'socialism', 'capitalism', 'the working class', 'the bourgeoisie', 'labor theory of value', 'alienation', 'economic determinism', 'dialectical materialism', and 'historical materialism'. Marx's economic analysis of history has been a powerful legacy, the effects of which continue to be felt world-wide. Serving as the foundation for Marx's indictment of capitalism is his extraordinary work titled "Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts", written in 1844 but published nearly a century later. Here Marx offers his theory of human nature and an analysis of emerging capitalism's degenerative impact on man's sense of self and his creative potential. What is man's true nature? How did capitalism gain such a foothold on Western society? What is alienation and how does it threaten to undermine the proletariat? These and other vital questions are addressed as the youthful Marx sets forth his first detailed assessment of the human condition.
这本《手稿》主要研究英、法、德等国的国民经济学,[1] 间或谈到宗教,[2] 还有一部分可以说是专讲哲学。讲哲学的部分题为“对黑格尔辩证法和整个哲学的批判”,刊于本书第94-119页。哲学部分和经济学部分的关系在这两句话里说得最清楚:“黑格尔站在现代国民经济学家的立场上...
评分岁月流逝,但有些阅读体验会在你的生命中留下不可磨灭的印记。 记得那时才十八九岁,刚进大学,在那满怀憧憬而又懵懂彷徨的青春岁月里,开始思考起人生的价值和方向。有三本书对自己今后的思想发展产生了深远的影响 —— 马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,席勒的《审美教育...
评分这个月的读书不太系统,原来的计划是尽量把马克思和恩格斯的书读完,但是由于实习安排等情况,大部头的书不太好读了(毕竟思维的连续性不好打乱),所以就选择性的读了一些篇幅较短的作品。 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》我在这个月读了两遍,换了不同的版本读,受益匪浅,首先这是...
评分 评分1、工资 可以肯定地说,那些要求特殊才能或较长时间先期训练的职业,总的来说,已变得比较能挣钱;而任何人都可以很快并很容易学会的那种机械而单调的活动的相应工资,则随着竞争的加剧而降低并且不得不降低。(择业需谨慎) 工人的工资多少只是估计工人的收入的因素之一,因为...
The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and the Communist Manifesto pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025