101 Dog Tricks pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"101 Dog Tricks" is the largest trick book on the market and the only book with a full-colour photo of every trick presented, and colour photos of each step in the process. This is not a study guide or a training philosophy book; the step-by-step approach, tips, trouble-shooting boxes and difficulty ratings allow readers to start trick training in five minutes. Some training books require special tools (such as clicker training) or an understanding of dog psychology, but "101 Dog Tricks" simply spells out the actions to take. Trick training is a must for all dog owners who consider their dogs part of the family. A dog that learns tricks is better trained and better behaved overall because basic commands are understood and the human/pet communication is in place.
Kyra Sundance is a world-acclaimed stunt dog show performer, celebrity dog trainer, and internationally best-selling author. An award winning author, Kyra's numerous dog-training books include the international best-selling 101 Dog Tricks, which sold over a half-million copies in 18 languages, and is one of the top dog training books of all time.
Kyra's acrobatic stunt dog team performs worldwide and starred in shows for the king of Morocco at the royal palace in Marrakech, in Disney's Underdog stage show in Hollywood, and in circuses and professional sports halftime shows. They performed on The Tonight Show, Ellen, Animal Planet, and had their own television series called Showdog Moms & Dads.
Kyra is nationally ranked in competitive dog sports and is a set trainer for movie dogs. As a lecturer on positive training methods, her enthusiasm inspires audiences to develop fun and rewarding relationships with their own dogs. Her methods foster confident, happy dogs who are motivated to do the right thing rather than ones fearful of making a mistake. She shows us how to develop joyful relationships with dogs who balance enthusiasm with self-control.
朋友都知道,我非常爱我家的狗子,到什么程度呢?大概他吃的零食比我的还好,大概是上班的时候我会给他肚子在家开空调,大概是我把能够接受狗子也视作女朋友的标准之一。但是我也很苦恼,他是个熊孩子,他很多东西都学不会。 狗子毕竟和人不一样,他不能理解我们的语言和想法,...
评分狗狗与成长课 曾经有篇文章讲述养汪星人和喵星人的区别,养喵星人是排遣寂寞,养汪星人是忠于责任。狗狗是人类的好朋友,从历史上讲,很早之前狗狗变被人类所驯化,与人同吃同喝,帮助人们放牧、狩猎、放哨,甚至成为人们的伴侣。在当下的社会中,搜救...
评分家有狗子初长成 饭后茶余,拖鞋两只,狗链一根,飞盘一个,口哨一声,散步广场,飞盘掷出,狗儿刁回,旁人羡慕,路人回头,手势变换,狗儿跳舞,旁人惊叹,路人折返。 一只漂亮且训练有素的宠物狗总会在广场上引来大批爱狗人士的目光,或赞叹,或感叹,甚至会让人忘掉自己是来...
评分继别人家的孩子之后,又出现了别人家的狗。扎不扎心,难不难受。 总之,没有对比就没有伤害,虽然对着自家的萌宠依然不改喜爱之心,但若说一点羡慕都没有那也是不可能的事情。就如同父母会望子成龙望女成凤,我们对着自家的狗狗也颇有几分期待之心,期望它们聪明伶俐,期望它们...
评分狗,是人类最忠实的朋友。日本一条名叫“八公”的犬,它风雨无阻忠心护主的事迹明扬天下,它对主人的忠诚与眷恋更是被翻拍成多部电影,感动了许多人。八公属于秋田犬,它是国家历史文化意义七个品种之一的犬种,被日本誉为国犬。 有许多单身主义者、老年人、独居者都喜欢饲养狗...
101 Dog Tricks pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025