圖書標籤: 塔西佗 哲學 古今之間 Tacitus
Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on Oratory pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Tacitus (Cornelius), famous Roman historian, was born in 55, 56 or 57 CE and lived to about 120. He became an orator, married in 77 a daughter of Julius Agricola before Agricola went to Britain, was quaestor in 81 or 82, a senator under the Flavian emperors, and a praetor in 88. After four years' absence he experienced the terrors of Emperor Domitian's last years and turned to historical writing. He was a consul in 97. Close friend of the younger Pliny, with him he successfully prosecuted Marius Priscus. Works: (i) "Life and Character of Agricola, " written in 97-98, specially interesting because of Agricola's career in Britain. (ii) "Germania" (98-99), an equally important description of the geography, anthropology, products, institutions, and social life and the tribes of the Germans as known to the Romans. (iii) "Dialogue on Oratory" ("Dialogus"), of unknown date; a lively conversation about the decline of oratory and education. (iv) "Histories" (probably issued in parts from 105 onwards), a great work originally consisting of at least twelve books covering the period 69-96 CE, but only Books I-IV and part of Book V survive, dealing in detail with the dramatic years 69-70. (v) "Annals, " Tacitus's other great work, originally covering the period 14-68 CE (Emperors Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, Nero) and published between 115 and about 120. Of sixteen books at least, there survive Books I-IV (covering the years 14-28); a bit of Book V and all Book VI (31-37); part of Book XI (from 47); Books XII-XV and part of Book XVI (to 66). Tacitus is renowned for his development of a pregnant concise style, character study, and psychological analysis, and for the often terrible story which he brilliantly tells. As a historian of the early Roman empire he is paramount. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Tacitus is in five volumes.
Tacitus (Cornelius), famous Roman historian, was born in 55, 56 or 57 CE and lived to about 120. He became an orator, married in 77 a daughter of Julius Agricola before Agricola went to Britain, was quaestor in 81 or 82, a senator under the Flavian emperors, and a praetor in 88. After four years’ absence he experienced the terrors of Emperor Domitian’s last years and turned to historical writing. He was a consul in 97. Close friend of the younger Pliny, with him he successfully prosecuted Marius Priscus.
Works: (i) Life and Character of Agricola, written in 97–98, specially interesting because of Agricola’s career in Britain. (ii) Germania (98–99), an equally important description of the geography, anthropology, products, institutions, and social life and the tribes of the Germans as known to the Romans. (iii) Dialogue on Oratory (Dialogus), of unknown date; a lively conversation about the decline of oratory and education. (iv) Histories (probably issued in parts from 105 onwards), a great work originally consisting of at least twelve books covering the period 69–96 CE, but only Books I–IV and part of Book V survive, dealing in detail with the dramatic years 69–70. (v) Annals, Tacitus’s other great work, originally covering the period 14–68 CE (Emperors Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, Nero) and published between 115 and about 120. Of sixteen books at least, there survive Books I–IV (covering the years 14–28); a bit of Book V and all Book VI (31–37); part of Book XI (from 47); Books XII–XV and part of Book XVI (to 66).
Tacitus is renowned for his development of a pregnant concise style, character study, and psychological analysis, and for the often terrible story which he brilliantly tells. As a historian of the early Roman empire he is paramount.
Loeb版英譯無話可說,聽說華夏要齣De Oratoribus的中譯瞭,樂觀其成吧。古羅馬三大史傢李維、塔西佗、撒路斯提烏斯的文本是瞭解彼時羅馬時代精神與曆史語境的最佳化石標本。當韓愈要去做史官而畏縮不敢奮發之際,柳宗元曾寫信給他讓他“思直其道”,這裏麵體現瞭史傢著史以道貫之的內涵。在論演說中,塔西佗采用《西遊記》中漁樵問答的修辭傢與詩人對駁對答結構,將寫於公元102年的對話定位於77年,也就是韋帕薌在位第八年——古羅馬難得的五賢帝政治稍得舒息中專製統治最恐怖的時期。Maternus迴應Aper對自己棄修從詩的鄙夷,錶達瞭對盛世元音-黃金時代的切膚質疑,印證瞭席勒的優美靈魂而反諷瞭羅素的站著說話不腰疼。說是說古今之爭,實則為今人的兩種生活方式。關鍵時刻,Messalla闖入對話,古典自由永淪
評分Loeb版英譯無話可說,聽說華夏要齣De Oratoribus的中譯瞭,樂觀其成吧。古羅馬三大史傢李維、塔西佗、撒路斯提烏斯的文本是瞭解彼時羅馬時代精神與曆史語境的最佳化石標本。當韓愈要去做史官而畏縮不敢奮發之際,柳宗元曾寫信給他讓他“思直其道”,這裏麵體現瞭史傢著史以道貫之的內涵。在論演說中,塔西佗采用《西遊記》中漁樵問答的修辭傢與詩人對駁對答結構,將寫於公元102年的對話定位於77年,也就是韋帕薌在位第八年——古羅馬難得的五賢帝政治稍得舒息中專製統治最恐怖的時期。Maternus迴應Aper對自己棄修從詩的鄙夷,錶達瞭對盛世元音-黃金時代的切膚質疑,印證瞭席勒的優美靈魂而反諷瞭羅素的站著說話不腰疼。說是說古今之爭,實則為今人的兩種生活方式。關鍵時刻,Messalla闖入對話,古典自由永淪
評分Loeb版英譯無話可說,聽說華夏要齣De Oratoribus的中譯瞭,樂觀其成吧。古羅馬三大史傢李維、塔西佗、撒路斯提烏斯的文本是瞭解彼時羅馬時代精神與曆史語境的最佳化石標本。當韓愈要去做史官而畏縮不敢奮發之際,柳宗元曾寫信給他讓他“思直其道”,這裏麵體現瞭史傢著史以道貫之的內涵。在論演說中,塔西佗采用《西遊記》中漁樵問答的修辭傢與詩人對駁對答結構,將寫於公元102年的對話定位於77年,也就是韋帕薌在位第八年——古羅馬難得的五賢帝政治稍得舒息中專製統治最恐怖的時期。Maternus迴應Aper對自己棄修從詩的鄙夷,錶達瞭對盛世元音-黃金時代的切膚質疑,印證瞭席勒的優美靈魂而反諷瞭羅素的站著說話不腰疼。說是說古今之爭,實則為今人的兩種生活方式。關鍵時刻,Messalla闖入對話,古典自由永淪
評分Loeb版英譯無話可說,聽說華夏要齣De Oratoribus的中譯瞭,樂觀其成吧。古羅馬三大史傢李維、塔西佗、撒路斯提烏斯的文本是瞭解彼時羅馬時代精神與曆史語境的最佳化石標本。當韓愈要去做史官而畏縮不敢奮發之際,柳宗元曾寫信給他讓他“思直其道”,這裏麵體現瞭史傢著史以道貫之的內涵。在論演說中,塔西佗采用《西遊記》中漁樵問答的修辭傢與詩人對駁對答結構,將寫於公元102年的對話定位於77年,也就是韋帕薌在位第八年——古羅馬難得的五賢帝政治稍得舒息中專製統治最恐怖的時期。Maternus迴應Aper對自己棄修從詩的鄙夷,錶達瞭對盛世元音-黃金時代的切膚質疑,印證瞭席勒的優美靈魂而反諷瞭羅素的站著說話不腰疼。說是說古今之爭,實則為今人的兩種生活方式。關鍵時刻,Messalla闖入對話,古典自由永淪
塔西佗为他的岳父写了《阿古利可拉传》,讲述了他岳父任不列颠总督期间的作为,里面有一段很让我惊奇: 阿古利可拉在与不列颠人的反抗军有一场决战,决战前双方将领都有演讲,塔西佗详细的记述了不列颠首领的演讲。演讲里谴责了罗马军队的凶残——罗马人在不列颠烧杀抢掠,将...
評分 評分1、我是看了恺撒的《高卢战记》,有关于日耳曼人的一些记述。再看此书的。林子大了有些不一致的地方。如《高卢战记》说他们有的拒绝腐化、拒绝输入酒等、甚至一些较“文明”的异族的牲畜。而《日耳曼尼亚志》说他们有些部落,没事就喜欢耽于酒精饮料。有暴烈,却不持久。“纪律...
評分古羅馬史家塔西陀留下來的作品,除了一本論演說的之外,其他《編年史》、《歷史》跟《阿古利可拉傳、日耳曼尼亞志》都有被翻譯成中文出版。而前兩本台灣商務有引進,現在要介紹的這本則沒有。 《阿古利可拉傳、日耳曼尼亞志》是兩個作品合在一起成一書,那是塔西陀的短篇,前...
評分按:我把我的摘记都放上来。 在我们这个时代中:风气之浊如此,对美德之存冷诮如此[3]。 的确,我们已经充分证明了我们的柔顺屈服:如果说我们的先人亲眼见过极度放纵的自由,那么,我们真是处在极度奴役之下。我们的“告密人”已经连我们说话和听话的权利都给剥夺掉了:如果...
Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on Oratory pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024