Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
B'I'm going to sink it.' 'You are not!' 'I am,' he coldly replied. 'Do not take it on yourself to judge me, monsieur.' French naturalist Dr Aronnax embarks on an expedition to hunt down a sea monster, only to discover instead the Nautilus, a self-contained world built by its enigmatic captain. Together Nemo and Aronnax explore the underwater marvels, undergo a transcendent experience amongst the ruins of Atlantis, and plant a black flag at the South Pole. But Nemo's mission is one of revenge - and his methods coldly efficient. Verne's classic work has left a profound mark on the twentieth century. Its themes are universal, is style humorous and grandiose, its construction masterly. This new and unabridged translation by the father of Verne studies brilliantly conveys the novel's tones and range. It appears with a distinguished Introduction and Notes, reporting the very first study of the manuscripts, together with revelations about the artistic and scientific references. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
这是我拜读的第一部凡尔纳的科幻著作,最初读的时候只是忘情于激烈的战斗,曼妙的海底,并没有在船长个人身上下功夫,换句话说,那时我只理解了情节却忽视了背景和内涵。 毫不夸张地说这是我重读次数最多的著作,甚至高过我大力推崇的《小王子》,随着阅历的加深和对于哲...
評分凡尔纳《海底两万里》(Vingt mille lieues sous les mers,1870),书中那艘神秘的潜艇名叫 “Nautilus”,除了1961年曾觉之老先生的译本音译作『诺第留斯号』,其它汉译本一般译作 『鹦鹉螺号』。 这是一个不太容易被察觉的误译:此处的 Nautilus,并非是动物分类学意义上的...
評分Captain Nemo最终还是在对南极洲这个从未有人类踏足的最宽广陆地的占有欲的驱使下向自己永不跨入陆地一步的誓言低下了他高傲的头颅。 Nemo不是佛,纵然他生活在真正渺无人烟的海底世界,他依旧是个人,他遇见被鲨鱼袭击的印度人时的怀怜悯之心;他面对打扰他宁静又充满激...
評分最近晕头转向,好久没写东西了。 刚才刷牙时想到儒勒凡尔纳。一个小朋友说自己在看《海底两万里》,让我想起童年。童年的大多数课余时光是在读书中度过的,儒勒凡尔纳是那时相对喜欢的,读的也比较多的作家。大概是三四年级的时候,还写了一篇作文《神秘岛读后感》,...
評分凡尔纳《海底两万里》(Vingt mille lieues sous les mers,1870),书中那艘神秘的潜艇名叫 “Nautilus”,除了1961年曾觉之老先生的译本音译作『诺第留斯号』,其它汉译本一般译作 『鹦鹉螺号』。 这是一个不太容易被察觉的误译:此处的 Nautilus,并非是动物分类学意义上的...
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025