图书标签: 高彦颐 中国社会 缠足 社会性别 历史 介 人类学 world
Cinderella's Sisters pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The history of footbinding is full of contradictions and unexpected turns. The practice originated in the dance culture of China's medieval court and spread to gentry families, brothels, maid's quarters, and peasant households. Conventional views of footbinding as patriarchal oppression often neglect its complex history and the incentives of the women involved. This revisionist history, elegantly written and meticulously researched, presents a fascinating new picture of the practice from its beginnings in the tenth century to its demise in the twentieth century. Neither condemning nor defending foot-binding, Dorothy Ko debunks many myths and misconceptions about its origins, development, and eventual end, exploring in the process the entanglements of male power and female desires during the practice's thousand-year history. Cinderella's Sisters argues that rather than stemming from sexual perversion, men's desire for bound feet was connected to larger concerns such as cultural nostalgia, regional rivalries, and claims of male privilege. Nor were women hapless victims, the author contends. Ko describes how women--those who could afford it--bound their own and their daughters' feet to signal their high status and self-respect. Femininity, like the binding of feet, was associated with bodily labor and domestic work, and properly bound feet and beautifully made shoes both required exquisite skills and technical knowledge passed from generation to generation. Throughout her narrative, Ko deftly wields methods of social history, literary criticism, material culture studies, and the history of the body and fashion to illustrate how a practice that began as embodied lyricism--as a way to live as the poets imagined--ended up being an exercise in excess and folly.
高彦颐,(Dorothy Ko) 美国斯坦福大学国际关系学学士、东亚历史系博士,专攻明清社会史及比较妇女史。曾任教加州大学圣地亚哥分校及新泽西州立罗格斯大学历史及妇女研究系,现为纽约哥伦比亚大学巴纳德分校历史系教授。近作有《步步生莲:绣鞋与缠足文物》(Every Step a Lotus:Shoes for BoundFeet)及《闺塾师:明末清初江南的才女文化》(TeaeheFS of the Inner Chambers:Women andCulture in Seventeenth—Century China)等书。
就是想象一个更复杂生动传统女性生活的世界。 客观来讲,现在好像也没有在叙事文本里看到男性知识和权力意志对女性的压迫。怎么就被莫名其妙敌对起来了 但是为自己发声是对的。 神话构建。欲望符码 但是说审美欲望用来取悦别人,这个肯定是不对的。 妇女地位是检验一个国家文明...
评分曾祖母是小脚女人。据父亲说身量矮小,白净,柔顺。是大家闺秀的样子。 因此早在习学“缠足之害”这些主流话语以前,我便已形成对缠足的复杂认知:缠足事关承担家道中落之痛的曾祖父,事关吸食鸦片养四房姨太太的曾曾祖父,事关那些似是而非的家族兴衰史。缠足于我不...
评分某些文献综述和书评怎么回事,这书作者根本没说缠足=女性主导的时尚啊? 这一莫名风俗持续时间之长、受害女性之巨,然而何时成为一种“好嫁标配”,乃至不缠就要受人耻笑,这一考古学探究却始终缺乏定论,本书亦然。每每想到不胜栗然,确实是作为一种性别的声音太缺乏了,到头...
评分Cinderella's Sisters pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025