Catch-22 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"Catch-22" is one of this century's greatest works of American literature. First published m 1961, Joseph Heller's profound and compelling novel has appeared on nearly every list of must read fiction. It is a classic in every sense of the word. "Catch-22" took the war novel genre to a new level, shocking us with its clever and disturbing style. Set in a World War II American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, "Catch-22" is the story of John Yossarian, who is furious because thousands of people he has never met are trying to kill him. Yossarian is also trying to decode the meaning of Catch-22, a mysterious regulation that proves that insane people are really the sanest, while the supposedly sensible people are the true madmen. And this novel is full of madmen -- Colonel Cathcart, who keeps raising the number of missions the men must fly m order to finish their tour; Milo Minderbinder, a dedicated entrepreneur who bombs his own airfield when the Germans offer him an extra 6 percent; Major Major Major, whose tragedy in life is that he resembles Henry Fonda; and Major -- de Coverley, whose face is so forbidding no one has dared ask his name. No novel before or since has matched "Catch-22's" intensity and brilliance in depicting the brutal insanity of war. Heller satirizes military bureaucracy with bitter, stinging humor, all the while telling the darkly comic story of Yossarian, a bombardier who refuses to die. Nearly forty years later, Yossarian lives.
评分我看译林版的书相当多 但是好像除了《人都是要死的》《公众的怒火》《冠军早餐》等很有限的几本以外 几乎没有其他所谓“文学名著”了 大多数看的都是通俗畅销小说 一方面是自己生性疏懒不求上进就好低级趣味这一口 另一方面也是被译林的翻译质量倒了胃口 ——典型的就是《第二...
评分 评分约瑟夫.海勒是上世纪七八十年代的美国作家,他开创了“黑色幽默”这一现代主义文学流派(没错,就是周董唱的那个黑色幽默),该流派的文本特点是“从残忍中寻求乐趣”,把病态、荒诞、丑恶、冷酷、阴暗统统用幽默来表现、来对待。听上去好像挺玄乎,其实这种态度和...
评分这是一本从我十四岁起就在“要读”的清单上的书。晚了二十年,恰逢其时。只有今天才能读懂这么复杂的感情吧?加上卡帕的《失焦》,海明威的《永别了武器》,才能体会那个带着嘲讽蔑视的笑里,有多少悲怆和爱国主义吧。哦,还有那个因为太爱美国而做了加拿大人的John Irving. ...
Catch-22 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025