Death of a Blue Movie Star pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Rune, the quirky, irrepressible heroine of Manhattan Is My Beat, is struggling to become a filmmaker in New York, shooting a documentary about a series of shocking bomb attacks on the adult film industry, seemingly perpetrated by religious terrorists.
But when one of these explosions shatters the lives of those close to her, Rune suspects that there's more to the attacks than meets the eye. Aided by NYPD bomb squad expert, Sam Healy, and armed with nothing more than a video camera and her brash courage, she plunges into the underbelly of Manhattan, on a dangerous search for the real killer.
Speeding along with the suspense of a ticking time-bomb, the story finally exploded into a shocking conclusion, which, as in all Deaver's superb thrillers, delivers a double-whammy punch...
"The author creates a great sense of atmosphere, enhanced with vivid imagery, and well-defined characters"
"Innovative and entertaining...truly an original"
-------Drood Review of Mystery
length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1
一九五〇年出生于芝加哥,十一岁时写出了他的第一本小说,从此笔耕不辍。迪弗毕业于密苏里大学新闻系,后进入福德汉姆法学院研修法律。在法律界实践了一段时间后,他在华尔街一家大律师事务所开始了律师生涯。他兴趣广泛,曾自己写歌唱歌,进行巡演,也曾当过杂志社记者。与此同时, 他开始发展自己真正的兴趣:写悬疑小说。一九九〇年起,迪弗成为一名全职作家。
迄今为止,迪弗共获得六次 MWA(美国推理小说作家协会)的爱伦•坡奖提名、一次尼禄•沃尔夫奖、一次安东尼奖、三次埃勒里•奎因最佳短篇小说读者奖。迪弗的小说被翻译成三十五种 语言,多次登上世界各地的畅销书排行榜。包括名作《人骨拼图》在内,他有三部作品被搬上银幕,同时他也为享誉世界的詹姆斯•邦德系列创作了最新官方小说 《自由裁决》。
迪弗的作品素以悬念重重、不断反转的情节著称,常常在小说的结尾推翻,或者多次推翻之前的结论,犹如过山车般的阅读 体验佐以极为丰富专业的刑侦学知识,令读者大呼过瘾。其最著名的林肯•莱姆系列便是个中翘楚。另外两个以非刑侦专业人员为主角的少女鲁伊系列和电影外景勘 测员约翰•佩拉姆系列也各有特色,同样继承了迪弗小说布局精细、节奏紧张的特点,惊悚悬疑的气氛保持到最后一页仍回味悠长。
Death of a Blue Movie Star pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025