图书标签: 英文原版 You That Not Into He's non-fiction English
He's Just Not That Into You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
For ages women have come together over coffee, cocktails, or late-night phone chats to analyze the puzzling behavior of men. "He's afraid to get hurt again.Maybe he doesn't want to ruin the friendship.Maybe he's intimidated by me.He just got out of a relationship."Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo are here to say that -- despite good intentions -- you're wasting your time. Men are not complicated, although they'd like you to think they are. And there are no mixed messages. The truth may be "He's just not that into you."Unfortunately, guys are too terrified to ever directly tell a woman "You're not the one." But their actions absolutely show how they feel. "HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU" -- based on a popular episode of "Sex and the City" -- educates otherwise smart women on how to tell when a guy just doesn't like them "enough," so they can stop wasting time making excuses for a dead-end relationship.Reexamining familiar scenarios and classic mind-sets that keep us in unsatisfying relationships, Behrendt and Tuccillo's wise and wry understanding of the sexes spares women hours of waiting by the phone, obsessing over the details with sympathetic girlfriends, and hoping his mixed messages really mean "I'm in love with you and want to be with you.""HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU" is provocative, hilarious, and, above all, intoxicatingly liberating. It deserves a place on every woman's night table. It knows you're a beautiful, smart, funny woman who deserves better. The next time you feel the need to start "figuring him out," consider the glorious thought that maybe "He's just not that into you." And then set yourself loose to go find the one who is.
哎,一不小心又读了一本给女人写的书。 想起看这本书是因为先前看过同名电影,读了几页才发现原来书是没有情节的,和电影完全是两回事。不过我还是把它读完了。 书中通过来信回复的形式分析了男女交往中的一些情形,加上给女性的一些建议。 希望所有...
评分标题很二,但这就是我的观点。 个人认为这本书非常适合青少年,就是少女时代情窦初开的那些爱幻想的小姑娘们。哦,还有我们这一代80后中不少到了25岁还没有恋爱经验的被偶像剧害惨的姑娘们。 比起书,那部电影简直弱爆了。非常适用于沉溺于各种纠结,各种猜疑,各种盲目,各...
评分在一段莫名其妙的结束了一段本以为可以go somewhere的但确只是暧昧的关系之后,无意间在书店看到这本书,单单是封面的那几句话就让我做了买下来的决心。 在之后的阅读过程中,那酣畅淋漓的揭露和行云流水的冷幽默语言总让我有种想拍大腿的较好冲动。 女人啊女人,总是希望眼前...
评分先得承认,是在看到同名电影评论之后再去下载原著有声书的,声称是由两位作者亲自朗读的。听这本书后半部分的时候,自己正用向别人老公借来工具盒生平第一次把坏得四分五裂的门锁拆下来再装个新的上去,自觉此书甚为应景。 在douban的小组里看到著名的SATC被许多豆子评为影响...
评分He's Just Not That Into You pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025